Commit 6109db68 authored by liyuanhong's avatar liyuanhong


parent f3cf20d4
import datetime
from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase
from import AlarmEvent_data
from import CarSafeStatusInfo
from import Circum_data
from import NewEnergyCar_data
from import SaloonCarOBD_data
from import TruckCarOBD_data
class LocationDataBatchUpdate_msg(MessageBase):
def __init__(self):
# 生成一条完整的消息
def generateMsg(self):
msg = ""
msgHeader = self.getMsgHeader()
msgBody = self.getMsgBody()
checkCode = self.getCheckCode(msgHeader + msgBody)
msg = msg + self.IDENTIFY
info = msgHeader + msgBody + checkCode
info = self.replace7e7d(info)
msg = msg + info
msg = msg + self.IDENTIFY
return msg
# 获取消息体
def getMsgBody(self):
dataItemCounts = self.getDataItemCounts() #数据项个数
#位置数据类型 ,0:正常位置批量汇报,1:盲区补报
locationDataType = self.int2hexStringByBytes(0)
locationData = self.getLocationData()
msg = dataItemCounts + locationDataType + locationData
return msg
# 位置信息汇报数据项
def getLocationData(self):
dataBody = "" #位置汇报数据体
for i in range(0,12):
dataBody = dataBody + self.getLocationBaseInfo()
dataLen = self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(dataBody)/2),2) #位置汇报数据体长度
data = dataLen + dataBody
return data
# 获取数据项个数
def getDataItemCounts(self):
# 起始字节 标志
# 0 1:紧急(备注:主要用于设备厂商私有协议 ASCII 文本控制指令下发) (1)
# 1 保留
# 2 1:终端显示器显示 (4)
# 3 1:终端 TTS 播读 (8)
# 4 1:广告屏显示 (16)
# 5 0:中心导航信息,1:CAN 故障码信息 (32)
# 6-7 保留
bit0 = 1
bit2 = 4
bit3 = 8
bit4 = 16
bit5 = 32
data = bit0 + bit2 + bit2 + bit4 + bit5
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data)
return dataHex
# 获取位置基本信息
def getLocationBaseInfo(self):
msg = ""
alarmFlag = self.getAlarmFlag() #报警标志
status = self.getStatus() #状态
latitude = self.getLatitude() #纬度
longtitude = self.getLongtitude() #经度
elevation = self.getElevation() #海拔高度
speed = self.getSpeed() #速度
directionAngle = self.getDirectionAngle() #获取方向角度
infoTime = self.getInfoTime() #获取时间
msg = alarmFlag + status + latitude + longtitude + elevation + speed + directionAngle + infoTime
return msg
# 获取位置附加信息
def getLocationExtraInfo(self):
data = ""
extraInfoId = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1)
# 里程,DWORD,1 / 10km,对应车上里程表读数;不支持OBD时,为基于GPS车速统计的车辆累计行驶总里程。
extra_01 = "01" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(20202020,4)
extra_02 = "02" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(5200,2)
extra_11 = "11" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(self.getOverSpeedAlarmExtraInfo()) / 2)) + self.getOverSpeedAlarmExtraInfo()
extra_12 = "12" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(6) + self.getInOutAreaAlarmExtraInfo()
extra_13 = "13" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(7) + self.getDrivingLongOrShortAlarmExtraInfo()
#IO 状态位
extra_2A = "2A" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2) + self.getStatusBit()
extra_30 = "30" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(33)
#BYTE,GNSS 定位卫星数
extra_31 = "31" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2)
extra_EA = "EA" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(self.getBaseDataList()) / 2)) + self.getBaseDataList()
#轿车 OBD 数据流
extra_EB = "EB" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(SaloonCarOBD_data().generateSaloonCarOBDData()) / 2)) + SaloonCarOBD_data().generateSaloonCarOBDData()
#货车 OBD 数据流
extra_EC = "EC" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(TruckCarOBD_data().generateTruckCarOBD_data()) / 2)) + TruckCarOBD_data().generateTruckCarOBD_data()
#新能源 OBD 数据流
extra_ED = "ED" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(NewEnergyCar_data().generateNewEnergyCar_data()) / 2)) + NewEnergyCar_data().generateNewEnergyCar_data()
extra_EE = "EE" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(Circum_data().generateCircum_data()) / 2)) + Circum_data().generateCircum_data()
#报警事件 ID 数据项列表
extra_FA = "FA" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(AlarmEvent_data().generateAlarmEvent_data()) / 2)) + AlarmEvent_data().generateAlarmEvent_data()
data = extra_01 + extra_02 + extra_11 + extra_12 + extra_13 + extra_FA
# data = extra_01 + extra_02 + extra_11 + extra_12 + extra_13
# data = data + extra_2A + extra_30 + extra_31 + extra_EA + extra_EB
# data = data + extra_EC
extraInfoLen = self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(data) / 2))
data = extraInfoId + extraInfoLen + data
return data
def getOverSpeedAlarmExtraInfo(self):
# 0:无特定位置;
# 1:圆形区域;
# 2:矩形区域;
# 3:多边形区域;
# 4:路段
locationType = 1
areaId = "" #若位置类型为 0,无该字段
if locationType == 0:
areaId = self.int2hexStringByBytes(2020,4)
msg = self.int2hexStringByBytes(locationType) + areaId
return msg
def getInOutAreaAlarmExtraInfo(self):
# 0:无特定位置;
# 1:圆形区域;
# 2:矩形区域;
# 3:多边形区域;
# 4:路段
locationType = 1
areaId = ""
if locationType == 0:
areaId = "00000000"
areaId = self.int2hexStringByBytes(2020, 4)
direction = 0 #0-进,1-出
msg = self.int2hexStringByBytes(locationType) + areaId + self.int2hexStringByBytes(direction)
return msg
def getDrivingLongOrShortAlarmExtraInfo(self):
areaId = self.int2hexStringByBytes(2020, 4) #路段Id
drivingTime = self.int2hexStringByBytes(36000,2) #路段行驶时间(单位:秒)
result = self.int2hexStringByBytes(0) #结果,0-不足,1-过长
msg = areaId + drivingTime + result
return msg
def getStatusBit(self):
deepSleepStatus = 1 #1:深度休眠状态
sleepStatus = 2 #1:休眠状态
retain = 0
data = deepSleepStatus + sleepStatus + retain
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,2)
return dataHex
def getBaseDataList(self):
dataId_0001 = "0001" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.getExpandStatusBit()
dataId_0002 = "0002" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.getExpandAlarmBit()
dataId_0003 = "0003" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(5) + self.getTotalMileage()
dataId_0004 = "0004" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(5) + self.getTotalOil()
dataId_0005 = "0005" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(360000,4)
dataId_0006 = "0006" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(72000,4)
dataId_0007 = "0007" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(480000,4)
dataId_0010 = "0010" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(self.getSpeedupInOneSeconds()) / 2)) + self.getSpeedupInOneSeconds()
dataId_0011 = "0011" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(CarSafeStatusInfo().generateSecurityStatusData()) / 2)) + CarSafeStatusInfo().generateSecurityStatusData()
dataId_0012 = "0012" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(36,2)
dataId_0013 = "0013" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(6)
#TODO 由于被置灰,所以没有实现
# dataId_0015 = "0015" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2)
# dataId_0016 = "0016"
#TODO 暂不支持
# dataId_0017 = "0017" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2)
dataId_001D = "001D" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + "01"
data = dataId_0001 + dataId_0002 + dataId_0003 + dataId_0004 + dataId_0005
data = data + dataId_0006 + dataId_0007 + dataId_0010 + dataId_0011 + dataId_0012
data = data + dataId_0013 + dataId_001D
return data
'''扩展状态标志位,见 表 C1EXT1'''
def getExpandStatusBit(self):
defenseUndefenseRep = 0 #0:撤防上报;1:设防上报 (1)
retain = 0
data = defenseUndefenseRep + retain
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,4)
return dataHex
'''扩展报警标志位,见 表 C1EXT2'''
def getExpandAlarmBit(self):
waterTemperatureAlarm = 1 #1:水温报警 (1)
idlingOverlongAlarm = 2 #1:怠速过长报警 (2)
rapidlyAccelerateAlarm = 4 #1:急加速报警 (4)
sharpSlowsownAlarm = 8 #1:急减速报警 (8)
sharpCurve = 16 #1:急转弯报警 (16)
retain5_9 = 0
insertAlarm = 1024 #1:插入报警 (1024)
oilExpenseNotSupportAlarm = 2048 #1:油耗不支持报警 (2048)
OBDNotSupportAlarm = 4096 #1:OBD 不支持报警 (4096)
buslineNotSleepAlarm = 8192 #1:总线不睡眠报警 (8192)
illegalOpenDoor = 16384 #1:非法开门 (16384)
retain15_16 = 0
FLASHTroubleAlarm = 131072 #1: FLASH 故障报警 (131072)
CANTroubleAlarm = 262144 #1: CAN 模块故障报警 (262144)
D3SensorTroubleAlarm = 524288 #1:3D 传感器故障报警 (524288)
RTCTroubleAlarm = 1048576 #1:RTC 模块故障报警
retain21_31 = 0
data = waterTemperatureAlarm + idlingOverlongAlarm + rapidlyAccelerateAlarm + sharpSlowsownAlarm + sharpCurve
data = data + retain5_9 + insertAlarm + oilExpenseNotSupportAlarm + OBDNotSupportAlarm + buslineNotSleepAlarm
data = data + illegalOpenDoor + retain15_16 + FLASHTroubleAlarm + CANTroubleAlarm + D3SensorTroubleAlarm
data = data + RTCTroubleAlarm + retain21_31
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,4)
return dataHex
def getTotalMileage(self):
caculateType = "01"
totalMileage = self.int2hexStringByBytes(128000,4) #行驶总里程(单位米)
data = caculateType + totalMileage
return data
def getTotalOil(self):
caculateType = "01"
totalOil = self.int2hexStringByBytes(120000,4) #总油耗(单位 mL)
data = caculateType + totalOil
return data
'''此刻 1 秒内的加速度数据,见 表 C1EXT3'''
def getSpeedupInOneSeconds(self):
data = ""
pointCount = 4 #采集的点个数 N
collectIntercal = 100 #采集间隔(单位 ms),上传值为该采集间隔时间内的加速度均值
data = data + self.int2hexStringByBytes(pointCount,2)
data = data + self.int2hexStringByBytes(collectIntercal,2)
speedupVal = 1000 #采集点加速度均值
for i in range(0,pointCount):
data = data + self.int2hexStringByBytes(speedupVal + 10,2)
return data
# 获取精度信息
def getLatitude(self,data=29.40268):
data = int(data * 1000000)
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,4)
return dataHex
# 获取纬度信息
def getLongtitude(self,data=106.54041):
data = int(data * 1000000)
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
# 获取海拔高度
def getElevation(self,data=520):
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 2)
return dataHex
# 获取海拔高度
def getSpeed(self,data=66):
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 2)
return dataHex
# 获取方向角度
def getDirectionAngle(self,data=59):
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 2)
return dataHex
# 获取时间
def getInfoTime(self,data="2020-02-04 18:57:04"):
now_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
data = data
data = data.replace("-","")
data = data.replace(" ","")
data = data.replace(":","")
data = data[2:]
data = self.int2BCD(int(data))
return data
# 获取消息头
def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0200"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data
def getMsgBodyProperty(self,msgBodyLen=128,encryptionType=0,subPkg=0):
if msgBodyLen >= 512:
raise RuntimeError('消息体长度超长!')
msgBodyLen = msgBodyLen #消息体长度
encryptionType = encryptionType #加密方式
subPkg = subPkg #分包
retain = 0 #保留位
data = msgBodyLen + encryptionType + subPkg + retain
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,2)
return dataHex
# 获取报警标志
def getAlarmFlag(self):
emergencyAlarm = 1 #紧急报警,触动报警开关后触发
overspeedAlarm = 2 #超速报警
fatigueDriving = 4 #疲劳驾驶
dangerAlarm = 8 #危险预警
GNSSTrouble = 16 #GNSS 模块发生故障
GNSSAntennaeLost = 32 #GNSS 天线未接或被剪断
GNSSAntennaeShortOut = 64 #GNSS 天线短路
TerminalMainPowerLackVoltage = 128 #终端主电源欠压
TerminalMainPowerLostConnect = 256 #终端主电源掉电(设备拔出告警)
TerMinalLCDTrouble = 512 #终端 LCD 或显示器故障
TTSTrouble = 1024 #TTS 模块故障
cameraTrouble = 2048 #摄像头故障
ICTrouble = 4096 #道路运输证 IC 卡模块故障
speedEarlyWarning = 8192 #超速预警
fatigueDrivingearlyWarning = 16384 #疲劳驾驶预警
retain1 = 0
retain2 = 0
retain3 = 0
drivingOverTime = 262144 #当天累计驾驶超时
stoppingOverTime = 524288 #超时停车
InOutArea = 1048576 #进出区域
InOutRouting = 2097152 #进出路线
drivingLongOrShort = 4194304 #路段行驶时间不足/过长
routingDivergeAlarm = 8388608 #路线偏离报警
VSSTrouble = 16777216 #车辆 VSS 故障
oilException = 33554432 #车辆油量异常
carLost = 67108864 #车辆被盗(通过车辆防盗器)
illegalFire = 134217728 #车辆非法点火
illegalMoving = 268435456 #车辆非法位移(拖车告警)
collisionAlarm = 536870912 #碰撞预警
rollOverAlarm = 1073741824 #侧翻预警
illegalOpenDoor = 2147483648 #非法开门报警(终端未设置区域时, 不判断非法开门)
data = emergencyAlarm + overspeedAlarm + fatigueDriving + dangerAlarm + GNSSTrouble + GNSSAntennaeLost
data = data + GNSSAntennaeShortOut + TerminalMainPowerLackVoltage + TerminalMainPowerLostConnect + TerMinalLCDTrouble
data = data + TTSTrouble + cameraTrouble + ICTrouble + speedEarlyWarning + fatigueDrivingearlyWarning
data = data + retain1 + retain2 + retain3 + drivingOverTime + stoppingOverTime
data = data + InOutArea + InOutRouting + drivingLongOrShort + routingDivergeAlarm + VSSTrouble
data = data + oilException + carLost + illegalFire + illegalMoving + collisionAlarm
data = data + rollOverAlarm + illegalOpenDoor
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,4)
return dataHex
# 获取状态
def getStatus(self):
ACCStatus = 1 #0:ACC 关;1: ACC 开 (1)
locationStatus = 2 #0:未定位;1:定位 (2)
latitudeStatus = 0 #0:北纬;1:南纬 (4)
longitudeStatus = 0 #0:东经;1:西经 (8)
runStatus = 0 #0:运营状态;1:停运状态 (16)
isLocationEncrypt = 0 #0:经纬度未经保密插件加密;1:经纬度已经保密插件加密 (32)
retain6_7 = 0
# 00:空车;01:半载;10:保留;11:满载(0 , 256 ,512 , 768)
#(可用于客车的空、重车及货车的空载、满载状态表示,人工输入或传感器 获取)
isFull = 256
oilRouteStatus = 0 #0:车辆油路正常;1:车辆油路断开 (1024)
powerStatus = 0 #0:车辆电路正常;1:车辆电路断开 (2048)
doorLockStatus = 0 #0:车门解锁;1:车门加锁 (4096)
frontDoor = 0 #0:门 1 关;1:门 1 开(前门) (8192)
middleDoor = 0 #0:门 2 关;1:门 2 开(中门) (16384)
backDoor = 0 #0:门 3 关;1:门 3 开(后门) (32768)
drivingDoor = 0 #0:门 4 关;1:门 4 开(驾驶席门) (65536)
otherDoor = 0 #0:门 5 关;1:门 5 开(自定义) (131072)
GPSStatus = 262144 #0:未使用 GPS 卫星进行定位;1:使用 GPS 卫星进行定位 (262144)
beidouStatus = 524288 #0:未使用北斗卫星进行定位;1:使用北斗卫星进行定位 (524288)
GLONSSStatus = 1048576 #0:未使用 GLONASS 卫星进行定位;1:使用 GLONASS 卫星进行定位 (1048576)
GalileoStatus = 0 #0:未使用 Galileo 卫星进行定位;1:使用 Galileo 卫星进行定位 (2097152)
retain22_31 = 0
data = ACCStatus + locationStatus + latitudeStatus + longitudeStatus + runStatus
data = data + isLocationEncrypt + retain6_7 + isFull + oilRouteStatus + powerStatus
data = data + doorLockStatus + frontDoor + middleDoor + backDoor + drivingDoor
data = data + otherDoor + GPSStatus + beidouStatus + GLONSSStatus + GalileoStatus
data = data + retain22_31
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,4)
return dataHex
if __name__ == "__main__":
...@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ import binascii ...@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ import binascii
import socket import socket
from time import sleep from time import sleep
from lib.protocol.LocationDataBatchUpdate_msg import LocationDataBatchUpdate_msg
from lib.protocol.message.DataUpstreamTransport_msg import DataUpstreamTransport_msg from lib.protocol.message.DataUpstreamTransport_msg import DataUpstreamTransport_msg
from lib.protocol.message.Location_msg import Location_msg from lib.protocol.message.Location_msg import Location_msg
from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase
from lib.protocol.message.QueryTerminalParam_res import QueryTerminalParam_res from lib.protocol.message.QueryTerminalParam_res import QueryTerminalParam_res
from lib.protocol.message.QueryTerminalProperty_res import QueryTerminalProperty_res
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalAuthenticate_msg import TerminalAuthenticate_msg from lib.protocol.message.TerminalAuthenticate_msg import TerminalAuthenticate_msg
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalCommonMsgRes_msg import TerminalCommonMsgRes_msg from lib.protocol.message.TerminalCommonMsgRes_msg import TerminalCommonMsgRes_msg
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalHeartbeat_msg import TerminalHeartbeat_msg from lib.protocol.message.TerminalHeartbeat_msg import TerminalHeartbeat_msg
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalRegister_msg import TerminalRegister_msg from lib.protocol.message.TerminalRegister_msg import TerminalRegister_msg
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalUpdateResult_msg import TerminalUpdataResult_msg
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalVersionInfo_msg import TerminalVersionInfo_msg from lib.protocol.message.TerminalVersionInfo_msg import TerminalVersionInfo_msg
from import TerminalCancle_msg from import TerminalCancle_msg
from lib.protocol.messagePlateform.PlatformCommon_res import PlatformCommon_res from lib.protocol.messagePlateform.PlatformCommon_res import PlatformCommon_res
...@@ -26,9 +29,12 @@ port = 9001 ...@@ -26,9 +29,12 @@ port = 9001
# msg = TerminalCancle_msg().generateMsg() #终端注销 # msg = TerminalCancle_msg().generateMsg() #终端注销
# msg = TerminalAuthenticate_msg().generateMsg() #终端鉴权 # msg = TerminalAuthenticate_msg().generateMsg() #终端鉴权
# msg = TerminalVersionInfo_msg().generateMsg() #终端版本信息上报 # msg = TerminalVersionInfo_msg().generateMsg() #终端版本信息上报
msg = QueryTerminalParam_res().generateMsg() #查询终端参数应答 # msg = QueryTerminalParam_res().generateMsg() #查询终端参数应答
# msg = QueryTerminalProperty_res().generateMsg() #查询终端属性应答消息
# msg = Location_msg().generateMsg() #位置信息汇报 # msg = Location_msg().generateMsg() #位置信息汇报
# msg = DataUpstreamTransport_msg().generateMsg() #数据上行透传消息 # msg = DataUpstreamTransport_msg().generateMsg() #数据上行透传消息
# msg = TerminalUpdataResult_msg().generateMsg() #终端升级结果通知
msg = LocationDataBatchUpdate_msg().generateMsg() #定位数据批量上传
#发送单条消息 #发送单条消息
def sendSingleMsg(msg): def sendSingleMsg(msg):
...@@ -42,8 +48,8 @@ def sendSingleMsg(msg): ...@@ -42,8 +48,8 @@ def sendSingleMsg(msg):
# client.send(bytes.fromhex(msg)) # client.send(bytes.fromhex(msg))
data = client.recv(BUF_SIZE) data = client.recv(BUF_SIZE)
print(data) print(data)
print(PlatformCommon_res(data).getMsg()) print(PlatformCommon_res(data).getMsg()) #终端通用应答消息
# print(TerminalRegister_res(data).getMsg()) # print(TerminalRegister_res(data).getMsg()) #终端注册应答消息
client.close() client.close()
def closeSocket(soc): def closeSocket(soc):
...@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ...@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<option value="0"></option> <option value="0"></option>
<option value="8192"></option> <option value="8192"></option>
</select> </select>
<label id="subPkg_label" style="color:grey;">分包个数:</label><input disabled="disabled" id="pkgCounts" type="text" class="form-control" value="2" style="width:60px;"> <label id="subPkg_label" style="color:grey;">分包个数:</label><input disabled="disabled" id="pkgCounts" type="text" class="form-control" value="0" style="width:60px;">
</div> </div>
<H3 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;">设置心跳消息内容:</H3> <H3 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;">设置心跳消息内容:</H3>
<ul class="protocol_content" style="padding:0px;"> <ul class="protocol_content" style="padding:0px;">
...@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ ...@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@
success:function(data){ success:function(data){
if(data.status == 200){ if(data.status == 200){
//window.location.reload() //window.location.reload()
var theShow = "原始数据: " + data.result + "\n" var theShow = "原始数据: " + data.original + "\n";
theShow = theShow + "解析数据: " + JSON.stringify(data.parse) + "\n" theShow = theShow + "收到数据: " + data.result + "\n";
theShow = theShow + "解析数据: " + JSON.stringify(data.parse) + "\n";
$("#showFeedback").val(theShow) $("#showFeedback").val(theShow)
}else{ }else{
$("#showFeedback").val(data.message) $("#showFeedback").val(data.message)
...@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def porcessHeartBeatMsg(): ...@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def porcessHeartBeatMsg():
cliSocket.close() cliSocket.close()
data["status"] = "200" data["status"] = "200"
data["message"] = "Sucess: " data["message"] = "Sucess: "
data["original"] = msg
data["result"] = socRecv_2 data["result"] = socRecv_2
data["parse"] = PlatformCommon_res(socRecv_1).getMsg() data["parse"] = PlatformCommon_res(socRecv_1).getMsg()
except BaseException as e: except BaseException as e:
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