Commit 84c7ef62 authored by liyuanhong's avatar liyuanhong

完成M300 和M500 GPRS消息应答功能

parent 5faea552
{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-05-14 01:29:40", "date": "2020-05-14", "time": "01:29:40"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 9487, "todayTotalOil": 757, "todayTotalTime": 582, "theMilleage": 528, "theOil": 48, "theTime": 32}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 262817, "totalOil": 24827, "totalTime": 15522}, "event": {"threeRapid": {"totalRapidlyAccelerate": 14, "totalSharpSlowdown": 13, "totalSharpTurn": 13}}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-05-15 11:41:18", "date": "2020-05-15", "time": "11:41:18"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 0, "todayTotalOil": 0, "todayTotalTime": 0, "theMilleage": 0, "theOil": 0, "theTime": 0}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 262817, "totalOil": 24827, "totalTime": 15522}, "event": {"threeRapid": {"totalRapidlyAccelerate": 14, "totalSharpSlowdown": 13, "totalSharpTurn": 13}}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class EventClass(ProtocolBase):
return data
#0023 碰撞报警附带信息
def collisionAlarmExtraInfo(self,totalCount=7,dataProperty=1):
def collisionAlarmExtraInfo(self,totalCount=7,dataProperty=2):
totalCount = self.int2hexStringByBytes(totalCount,2) #历史碰撞总次数
# 1:表示事件发生时刻,前10秒的事件采样数据;
# [碰撞报警前后10秒采样数据附带信息]
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class EventClass(ProtocolBase):
def SENSORDataFromSeconds(self,counts):
data = ""
for i in range(0,counts):
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(30,2) #第1秒内的第1个0.5秒内的平均加速度值
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(30,2) #第N秒内的第N个0.5秒内的平均加速度值
return data
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
from lib.protocol.m300.M300Base import M300Base
class VersionInfo_protocol_m300(M300Base):
from lib.protocol.m300.M300Base import M300Base
class GPRS_protocol_response_m300(M300Base):
dataTest = [{"serverIndex":"1","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"2","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"3","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
def __init__(self,waterCode = 3,DEV_ID = "M121501010001",encryptionType=0,data=[{"serverIndex":"1","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"2","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"3","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
super().__init__() # 不执行该方法,无法使用父类里面定义的属性
self.waterCode = waterCode #消息流水号
self.DEV_ID = DEV_ID #设备Id
self.encryptionType = encryptionType #消息属性里面的是否加密字段 = data
# 生成消息
def generateMsg(self):
msg = self.IDENTIFY
FUNID = "0104" #功能id
waterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(self.waterCode,2) #消息流水号
DEV_ID = self.devid2hexString(self.DEV_ID) #设备id
msgBody = self.getMsgBody() # 消息体
msgLen = int(len(msgBody) / 2)
property = self.getMsgProperty(msgBodyLen=msgLen,encryptionType=self.encryptionType)
checkCode = self.getCheckCode(FUNID + waterCode + DEV_ID + property + msgBody)
msg = msg + FUNID + waterCode + DEV_ID + property + msgBody + checkCode + self.IDENTIFY
return msg
# 获取消息体
def getMsgBody(self):
dataHex = ""
for i in range(0,len(
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["serverIndex"]) #服务器索引号,从1开始
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex(str([i]["serverAddressType"])) #服务器地址类型:0-IP地址,1-域名
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["serverAddress"]) #服务器地址
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["comPort"]) #TCP/UDP端口
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex(str([i]["comType"])) #通讯模式:0-TCP,1-UDP
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["APN"]) #APN名称
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["username"]) #用户名
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["password"]) #密码
dataHex = dataHex + "0d" #分隔符:0x0D
dataHex = dataHex + "0a" #分隔符:0x0A
return dataHex
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from import SecurityStatusRepo
class EventReport_protocol(ProtocolBase):
#data = {"WATER_CODE":"0003","DEV_ID":"M121501010001","gpsInfo":{"UTCTime":"2020-04-14 11:03:20","latitude":"40.22077","longitude":"116.23128","speed":"80.8","directionAngle":"80.8","elevation":"2999.9","positionStar":"3","Pdop":"0.3","Hdop":"0.4","Vdop":"0.5","statusBit":162,"valtage":"36.9","OBDSpeed":"60.9","engineSpeed":"3000","GPSTotalMileage":"12800","totalOil":"100000","totalTime":"2020002","GPSTimestamp":"1586833400"},"securityData":{"securityStatus":107,"doorStatus":0,"lockStatus":0,"windowStatus":0,"lightStatus":0,"onoffStatusA":0,"onoffStatusB":112,"dataByte":249},"event":{}}
data = {}
def __init__(self,msgCount = 1,WATER_CODE = 26,DEV_ID = "M121501010001",locationType=1,eventType="0036",data={}):
def __init__(self,msgCount = 1,WATER_CODE = 26,DEV_ID = "M121501010001",locationType=1,eventType="0023",data={}):
super().__init__() = data
if len(data) == 0:
......@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ class EventReport_protocol(ProtocolBase):
return EventClass().defencesGlassNoCloseExtraInfo()
elif eventType == "0017": #设防非法开门报警
return EventClass().defencesIllegalCloseDoorExtraInfo()
elif eventType == "0023": #碰撞告警
return EventClass().collisionAlarmExtraInfo()
elif eventType == "0036": #低档高速报警
return EventClass().lowGearHighSpeedAlarm()
elif eventType == "0037": #高档低速报警
# coding:utf-8
定义一个Sensor 采样协议的类
from import GPSReport_protocol
from import ProtocolBase
class SensorSampling_protocol(ProtocolBase):
testData = {"time":"2020-05-15 14:42:24","dataType":"01","data":{}}
def __init__(self, WATER_CODE=1000, DEV_ID="M121501010001",data={"time":"2020-05-15 14:42:24","dataType":"01","data":{}}):
self.WATER_CODE = int(WATER_CODE) # 设置默认消息流水号
self.DEV_ID = DEV_ID # 设置默认设备id
self.time = data["time"] # 时间
self.dataType = data["dataType"] # 采样数据类型
# 生成 采样数据 消息
def generateMsg(self):
info = ""
HEADER = "4040" #消息头
WATER_CODE = self.getWaterCode(self.WATER_CODE) #消息流水号
DEV_ID = self.devid2hexString(self.DEV_ID) #设备id
FUN_ID = "0031" # 功能id
data = "" #数据段
data += self.generateData()
LENGTH = self.getMsgLength(int(len(WATER_CODE + DEV_ID + FUN_ID + data)/2)) # 消息长度
info += HEADER
info += LENGTH
info += WATER_CODE
info += DEV_ID
info += FUN_ID
info += data
CHECK_CODE = self.getCheckCode(info) # 校验字段
info += CHECK_CODE
return info
# 创建 车机采样 数据段
def generateData(self):
timeHex = self.getUTCTime(self.time)
dataTypeHex = self.dataType
dataContentHex = self.getMicroCollisionData()
dataLenHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(int(len(dataContentHex) / 2),2)
data = timeHex + dataTypeHex + dataLenHex + dataContentHex
return data
# 获取微碰撞数据包
def getMicroCollisionData(self,totalConut=2,dataType=1):
totalConutHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(totalConut,2) #历史碰撞总次数
dataTypeHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(dataType)
# 1:表示事件发生时刻,前5秒的事件采样数据;
# [微碰撞前后5秒附带数据]
# 2:表示事件发生时刻,后5秒的事件采样数据;
# [微碰撞前后5秒附带数据]
# 3:表示事件发生时刻,后120秒的速度采样数据;
# [碰撞报警后120秒采样数据附带信息]
data = totalConutHex + dataTypeHex
if dataType == 1 or dataType == 2:
GPSSampleData = self.GPSDataFromSeconds(5) # GPS 采样点 ,5秒内的GPS采样数据,85个字节
CANSampleData = self.CANDataFromSeconds(5) # CAN采样点 ,5秒内的CAN采样数据,90个字节
SENSORSampleData1 = self.SENSORDataFromSeconds(10) # SENSOR采样点 ,10秒内的SENSOR采样数据
collisonFBSampleData_50 = self.collisonFBSampleData(20) #碰撞时刻前后50毫秒内的SENSOR采样数据
collisonFBSampleData_100 = self.collisonFBSampleData(40) # 碰撞时刻前后100毫秒内的SENSOR采样数据
collisonFBSampleData_125 = self.collisonFBSampleData_xyz(50) #碰撞时刻前后125毫秒内的SENSOR采样数据
data = data + GPSSampleData + CANSampleData + SENSORSampleData1 + collisonFBSampleData_50 + collisonFBSampleData_100 + collisonFBSampleData_125
return data
# 秒内的GPS采样数据
def GPSDataFromSeconds(self,counts):
data = ""
for i in range(0,counts):
data += self.GPSSamplingData()
return data
# N秒内的CAN采样数据
def CANDataFromSeconds(self,counts):
data = ""
for i in range(0,counts):
data += self.CANSamplingData()
return data
#23 GPS采样数据项
def GPSSamplingData(self):
latitude = 40.22077 #纬度
longitude = 116.23128 #经度
speed = 60.9 #速度
directionAngle = 80.8 #方向角
elevation = 2999.9 #海拔
statusBit = 1 #状态位,Bit7:当前定位是否有效,0-无效,1-有效,其它Bit位预留
latitude = GPSReport_protocol().getLatitude(latitude)
longitude = GPSReport_protocol().getLongitude(longitude)
speed = GPSReport_protocol().getSpeed(speed)
directionAngle = GPSReport_protocol().getDirectionAngle(directionAngle)
elevation = GPSReport_protocol().geteElevation(elevation)
statusBit = GPSReport_protocol().getStatusBit(statusBit)
data = latitude + longitude + speed + directionAngle + elevation + statusBit
return data
def CANSamplingData(self):
speed = 65 #车速
enginSpeed = 1000 #发动机转速
brakingStatus = 0 #刹车状态:1-刹车,0-未刹车,2-不支持;
acceleratorLocation = 50 #油门踏板位置
airDamper = 17 #节气门开度
troubleCount = 2 #故障码个数
speed = self.int2hexStringByBytes(speed,1)
enginSpeed = self.int2hexStringByBytes(enginSpeed,2)
brakingStatus = self.int2hexStringByBytes(brakingStatus,1)
acceleratorLocation = self.int2hexStringByBytes(acceleratorLocation,2)
airDamper = self.int2hexStringByBytes(airDamper,2)
troubleCount = self.int2hexStringByBytes(troubleCount,1)
data = speed + enginSpeed + brakingStatus + acceleratorLocation + airDamper + troubleCount
return data
# N秒内的SENSOR采样数据
def SENSORDataFromSeconds(self,counts):
data = ""
for i in range(0,counts):
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(30,2) #第N秒内的第1个0.5秒内的平均加速度值
return data
# 碰撞时刻前后N毫秒内的SENSOR采样数据
def collisonFBSampleData(self,counts):
data = ""
for i in range(0, counts):
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(30, 2) # 第N个2.5毫秒采样点的采样加速度值
return data
# 碰撞时刻前后N毫秒内的SENSOR采样数据 (xyz)
def collisonFBSampleData_xyz(self,counts):
data = ""
for i in range(0, counts):
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(20, 2) # 第N个2.5毫秒采样点的x轴加速度值
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(30, 2) # 第N个2.5毫秒采样点的y轴加速度值
data += self.int2hexStringByBytes(2, 2) # 第N个2.5毫秒采样点的z轴加速度值
return data
# 将UTC时间转换为16进制,
# 例如:2020-01-02 20:30:00 (年取后面2字节)则将20,01,02,20,30,00 转换为对应的6个字节
# theTime:传入一个类似:2020-01-03 13:05:13的一个字符串
def getUTCTime(self,theTime):
# 获取当前时间,时间格式为:2020-01-03 13:05:13
# now_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# 将2020-01-03 13:05:13时间格式转换为一个数组
# timeStr = "2020-01-03 13:05:13"
timeStr = theTime
timeArr = []
UTCTime = ""
for i in range(0, len(timeArr)):
UTCTime += self.int2hexString(int(timeArr[i]))
return UTCTime
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from import ProtocolBase
class SleepReport_protocol(ProtocolBase):
def __init__(self,msgCount = 1,WATER_CODE = 1000,DEV_ID = "M121501010001",verInfo="M100AB01010.0000",compileDate="2020-03-23",GSM="GSM_123456",sleepType="01",sleepStatus=0):
def __init__(self,msgCount = 1,WATER_CODE = 1000,DEV_ID = "M121501010001",sleepType="01",sleepStatus=0):
self.msgCount = int(msgCount) # 设置默认要发送的GPS数据包个数
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class SleepReport_protocol(ProtocolBase):
return data
# 创建 版本信息 数据段
# 创建 车机休眠数据段 数据段
def generateSleepData(self):
sleepTypeHex = self.sleepType
from import ProtocolBase
class Update_response(ProtocolBase):
dataDefault = [{"serverIndex":"1","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"1","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"1","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
def __init__(self,msgCount = 1,WATER_CODE = 1000,DEV_ID = "M121501010001",data=[{"serverIndex":"1","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"2","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
"username":"yuanhong","password":"123456"},{"serverIndex":"3","serverAddressType":0,"serverAddress":"","comPort":"9008","comType":0,"APN":"tnet", \
self.msgCount = int(msgCount)
self.WATER_CODE = int(WATER_CODE); # 设置默认消息流水号
self.DEV_ID = DEV_ID # 设置默认设备id = data
# 生成 GPRS应答 消息
def generateMsg(self):
info = ""
HEADER = "4040" #消息头
WATER_CODE = self.getWaterCode(self.WATER_CODE) #消息流水号
DEV_ID = self.devid2hexString(self.DEV_ID) #设备id
FUN_ID = "8105" # 功能id
data = "" #数据段
data += self.generateUpdateData()
LENGTH = self.getMsgLength(int(len(WATER_CODE + DEV_ID + FUN_ID + data)/2)) # 消息长度
info += HEADER
info += LENGTH
info += WATER_CODE
info += DEV_ID
info += FUN_ID
info += data
CHECK_CODE = self.getCheckCode(info) # 校验字段
info += CHECK_CODE
return info
# 创建 GPRS应答 数据段
def generateUpdateData(self):
dataHex = ""
for i in range(0,len(
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["serverIndex"]) #服务器索引号,从1开始
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex(str([i]["serverAddressType"])) #服务器地址类型:0-IP地址,1-域名
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["serverAddress"]) #服务器地址
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["comPort"]) #TCP/UDP端口
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex(str([i]["comType"])) #通讯模式:0-TCP,1-UDP
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["APN"]) #APN名称
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["username"]) #用户名
dataHex = dataHex + "2c" #逗号
dataHex = dataHex + self.str2Hex([i]["password"]) #密码
dataHex = dataHex + "0d" #分隔符:0x0D
dataHex = dataHex + "0a" #分隔符:0x0A
return dataHex
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
import socket
import sys
from import SensorSampling_protocol
from import TroubleCode_protocol
from import VoltageDataReport_protocol
......@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ port = 9008
# msg = GPSReport_protocol().generateGpsMsg() #GPS消息数据
# msg = OBDReport_protocol().generateOBDReportMsg() #OBD终端上报数据
msg = OBDReport_CAN_protocol().generateOBDReportCANMsg() #OBD终端上报CAN数据
# msg = OBDReport_CAN_protocol().generateOBDReportCANMsg() #OBD终端上报CAN数据
# msg = HeartBeatReport_protocol().generateHeartBeatMsg() #终端上报心跳协议
# msg = LoginReport_protocol().generateLoginMsg() #终端上报登录协议
# msg = SecurityStatusReport_protocol().generateSecurityStatusMsg() #终端上报安防状态协议
......@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ msg = OBDReport_CAN_protocol().generateOBDReportCANMsg() #OBD终端
# msg = CommonReport_protocol().generateCommonMsg() #通用应答消息
# msg = VoltageDataReport_protocol().generateMsg() #终端上报电瓶电压采样数据
# msg = TroubleCode_protocol().generateMsg() #终端上报故障码数据包
msg = SensorSampling_protocol().generateMsg() #1.2.37终端上报Sensor采样数据
BUF_SIZE = 1024
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