Commit f210b84b authored by 李远洪's avatar 李远洪


parent 419a5b42
import datetime
from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase
class DataUpstreamTransport_msg(MessageBase):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() #不执行该方法,无法使用父类里面定义的属性
# 生成一条完整的消息
def generateMsg(self):
msg = ""
msgHeader = self.getMsgHeader()
msgBody = self.getMsgBody()
checkCode = self.getCheckCode(msgHeader + msgBody)
msg = msg + self.IDENTIFY
info = msgHeader + msgBody + checkCode
info = self.replace7e7d(info)
msg = msg + info
msg = msg + self.IDENTIFY
return msg
# 获取消息体
def getMsgBody(self):
msg = ""
#0xF1 驾驶行程数据(熄火发送)
# 0xF2 故障码数据(状态改变发送)
# 0xF3 休眠进入(进入休眠模式发送)
# 0xF4 休眠唤醒(退出休眠模式发送)
msgType = "F1"
msgContent = ""
if msgType == "F1":
msgContent = self.getDrivingData() #驾驶行程数据(熄火发送)
elif msgType == "F2":
msgContent = self.getTroubleCodeData() #故障码数据(状态改变发送)
elif msgType == "F3":
msgContent = self.getIntoSleepData() #休眠进入(进入休眠模式发送)
elif msgType == "F4":
msgContent = self.getOutSleepData() #休眠唤醒(退出休眠模式发送)
msg = msgType + msgContent
return msg
# 获取消息头
def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0900"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data
def getMsgBodyProperty(self,msgBodyLen=128,encryptionType=0,subPkg=0):
if msgBodyLen >= 512:
raise RuntimeError('消息体长度超长!')
msgBodyLen = msgBodyLen #消息体长度
encryptionType = encryptionType #加密方式
subPkg = subPkg #分包
retain = 0 #保留位
data = msgBodyLen + encryptionType + subPkg + retain
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,2)
return dataHex
# 获取驾驶行程数据
def getDrivingData(self):
time_1 = "0001" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(6) + self.getBCDTime("2020-02-05 22:07:30")
time_2 = "0002" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(6) + self.getBCDTime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
fireLatitude = "0003" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.getFireLatitude(29.40268) #点火纬度
fireLongitude = "0004" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.getFireLongitude(106.54041) #点火经度
unFireLatitude = "0005" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.getUnFireLatitude(29.40268) #熄火纬度
unFireLongitude = "0006" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.getUnFireLongitude(106.54041) # 熄火经度
drivingCircleLabel = "0007" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(123,2) #驾驶循环标签
# 0x01:GPS 总里程(累计)
# 0x02:J1939 里程算法 1
# 0x03:J1939 里程算法 2
# 0x04:J1939 里程算法 3
# 0x05:J1939 里程算法 4
# 0x06:J1939 里程算法 5
# 0x07:OBD 仪表里程
# 0x08:OBD 速度里程
# 0x09:J1939 里程算法 6
# 0x0A:J1939 里程算法 7
# 0x0B:J1939 里程算法 8
# 0x0C:J1939 里程算法 9
drivingCircleTotalMileageType = "0008" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + "01"
drivingCircleTotalMileage = "0009" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(38090,4)
drivingCircleTotalOil = "000A" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(75400,4)
drivingCircleTotalTime = "000B" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(726000,4)
drivingCircleOverSpeedTotalTime = "000C" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(54000,2)
drivingCircleOverSpeedTotalTimes = "000D" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(101,2)
#一个驾驶循环平均车速,单位 KM/H
drivingCircleAverageSpeed = "000E" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(65)
#一个驾驶循环最大车速,单位 KM/H
drivingCircleMaxSpeed = "000F" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(123)
drivingCircleIdlingTime = "0010" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(12600000,4)
#一个驾驶循环脚刹次数支持与否,1 为支持
drivingCircleFootBrakeIsSupport = "0011" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1)
drivingCircleFootBrakeTatalTimes = "0012" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(32)
drivingCircleRapidlyAccelerateTimes = "0013" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(79,4)
drivingCircleSharpSlowdownTimes = "0014" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(10,4)
drivingCircleSharpCurveTimes = "0015" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(33,4)
#速度为-20Km/H 的里程,单位:m
speedIn20 = "0016" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(1068,4)
#速度为 20-40Km/H 的里程,单位:m
speedIn20_40 = "0017" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(2020,4)
#速度为 40-60Km/H 的里程,单位:m
speedIn40_60 = "0018" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(30400,4)
#速度为 60-80Km/H 的里程,单位:m
speedIn60_80 = "0019" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(37000,4)
#速度为 80-100Km/H 的里程,单位:m
speedIn80_100 = "001A" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(10400,4)
#速度为 100-120Km/H 的里程,单位:m
speedIn100_120 = "001B" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(5000,4)
#速度为 120Km/H 以上的里程,单位:m
speedOut120 = "001C" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(3200,4)
rapidlyAccelerateTimes = "001D" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(3000,4)
rapidlySharpSlowdownTimes = "001E" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(3507,4)
sharpCurveTimes = "001F" + self.int2hexStringByBytes(4) + self.int2hexStringByBytes(580,4)
data = time_1 + time_2 + fireLatitude + fireLongitude + unFireLatitude
data = data + unFireLongitude + drivingCircleLabel + drivingCircleTotalMileageType + drivingCircleTotalMileage + drivingCircleTotalOil
data = data + drivingCircleTotalTime + drivingCircleOverSpeedTotalTime + drivingCircleOverSpeedTotalTimes + drivingCircleAverageSpeed + drivingCircleMaxSpeed
data = data + drivingCircleIdlingTime + drivingCircleFootBrakeIsSupport + drivingCircleFootBrakeTatalTimes + drivingCircleRapidlyAccelerateTimes + drivingCircleSharpSlowdownTimes
data = data + drivingCircleSharpCurveTimes + speedIn20 + speedIn20_40 + speedIn40_60 + speedIn60_80
data = data + speedIn80_100 + speedIn100_120 + speedOut120 + rapidlyAccelerateTimes + rapidlySharpSlowdownTimes
data = data + sharpCurveTimes
return data
# 获取点火纬度,单位:0.000001 度,Bit31=0/1 北纬/南纬
def getFireLatitude(self,data=29.40268):
orientation = 0 #0:北纬 1:南纬 (2147483648)
data = int(data * 1000000)
data = data + orientation
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
# 点火经度,单位:0.000001 度,Bit31=0/1 东经/西经
def getFireLongitude(self,data=106.54041):
orientation = 0 #0:东经 1:西经 (2147483648)
data = int(data * 1000000)
data = data + orientation
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
# 获取熄火纬度,单位:0.000001 度,Bit31=0/1 北纬/南纬
def getUnFireLatitude(self,data=29.40268):
orientation = 0 #0:北纬 1:南纬 (2147483648)
data = int(data * 1000000)
data = data + orientation
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
# 点火经度,单位:0.000001 度,Bit31=0/1 东经/西经
def getUnFireLongitude(self,data=106.54041):
orientation = 0 #0:东经 1:西经 (2147483648)
data = int(data * 1000000)
data = data + orientation
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
# 获取故障码数据
def getTroubleCodeData(self):
infoTime = self.getBCDTime("2020-02-06 11:31:56")
#单位:0.000001 度,Bit31=0/1 北纬/南纬
latitude = self.getLatitude(29.40268)
#单位:0.000001 度,Bit31=0/1 东经/西经
longitude = self.getLongitude(106.54041)
#为 0 表示无故障码,非 0 为故障码个数
troubleCodeNums = 3
troubleCodeNumsHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(troubleCodeNums)
troubleCode = ""
for i in range(0,troubleCodeNums):
systemId = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1)
code1 = self.int2hexStringByBytes(10)
code2 = self.int2hexStringByBytes(20)
code3 = self.int2hexStringByBytes(30)
troubleCode = systemId + code1 + code2 + code3
data = infoTime + latitude + longitude + troubleCodeNumsHex + troubleCode
return data
def getLatitude(self,data=29.40268):
orientation = 0 #0:北纬 1:南纬 (2147483648)
data = int(data * 1000000)
data = data + orientation
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
def getLongitude(self,data=106.54041):
orientation = 0 #0:东经 1:西经 (2147483648)
data = int(data * 1000000)
data = data + orientation
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data, 4)
return dataHex
# 获取进入休眠数据包
def getIntoSleepData(self):
infoTime = self.getBCDTime("2020-02-06 11:31:56")
msg = infoTime
return msg
# 获取休眠唤醒数据包
def getOutSleepData(self):
infoTime = self.getBCDTime("2020-02-06 11:31:56")
# 0x01:休眠定时唤醒
# 0x02:CAN1
# 0x04:CAN2
# 0x08:gSensor 0x10:电压变
outSleepType = "01"
#车辆电压,单位 0.1V
carVoltage = self.int2hexStringByBytes(360,2)
#振动唤醒加速度值,单位 mg
vibrateOutSleepSpeedUpVal = self.int2hexStringByBytes(3700,2)
data = infoTime + outSleepType + carVoltage + vibrateOutSleepSpeedUpVal
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
...@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class Location_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class Location_msg(MessageBase):
def getMsgHeader(self): def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id # msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0002" msgID = "0002"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(len(self.getMsgBody())) #消息体属性 msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号 phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号 msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项 subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
...@@ -394,19 +394,6 @@ class Location_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -394,19 +394,6 @@ class Location_msg(MessageBase):
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":
print(Location_msg().getAlarmFlag()) print(Location_msg().getAlarmFlag())
print(Location_msg().getInfoTime()) print(Location_msg().getInfoTime())
#encoding:utf-8 #encoding:utf-8
import datetime
from lib.protocol.Base import Base from lib.protocol.Base import Base
''' '''
...@@ -124,6 +126,19 @@ class MessageBase(Base): ...@@ -124,6 +126,19 @@ class MessageBase(Base):
data = "0" + data data = "0" + data
return data return data
# 获取UTC时间转换位BCD格式
def getBCDTime(self,data="2020-02-04 18:57:04"):
now_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
data = data
data = data.replace("-","")
data = data.replace(" ","")
data = data.replace(":","")
data = data[2:]
data = self.int2BCD(int(data))
return data
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":
# print(MessageBase().str2Hex("uvwxyz")) # print(MessageBase().str2Hex("uvwxyz"))
# print(MessageBase().str2Ascsii("uvwxyz")) # print(MessageBase().str2Ascsii("uvwxyz"))
import datetime
from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase
class SetTerminalParam_msg(MessageBase):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() #不执行该方法,无法使用父类里面定义的属性
# 生成一条完整的消息
def generateMsg(self):
msg = ""
msgHeader = self.getMsgHeader()
msgBody = self.getMsgBody()
checkCode = self.getCheckCode(msgHeader + msgBody)
msg = msg + self.IDENTIFY
info = msgHeader + msgBody + checkCode
info = self.replace7e7d(info)
msg = msg + info
msg = msg + self.IDENTIFY
return msg
# 获取消息体
def getMsgBody(self):
msg = ""
paramTotalNums = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1) #参数总数
return msg
# 获取消息头
def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0002"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data
def getMsgBodyProperty(self,msgBodyLen=128,encryptionType=0,subPkg=0):
if msgBodyLen >= 512:
raise RuntimeError('消息体长度超长!')
msgBodyLen = msgBodyLen #消息体长度
encryptionType = encryptionType #加密方式
subPkg = subPkg #分包
retain = 0 #保留位
data = msgBodyLen + encryptionType + subPkg + retain
dataHex = self.int2hexStringByBytes(data,2)
return dataHex
...@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ class TerminalAuthenticate_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ class TerminalAuthenticate_msg(MessageBase):
def getMsgHeader(self): def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id # msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0102" msgID = "0102"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(len(self.getMsgBody())) #消息体属性 msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号 phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号 msgWaterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项 subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data return data
...@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class TerminalCommonMsgRes_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class TerminalCommonMsgRes_msg(MessageBase):
msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty() #消息体属性 msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty() #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201118) #终端手机号 phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201118) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号 msgWaterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项 subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data return data
...@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ class TerminalHeartbeat_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ class TerminalHeartbeat_msg(MessageBase):
def getMsgHeader(self): def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id # msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0002" msgID = "0002"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(len(self.getMsgBody())) #消息体属性 msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号 phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号 msgWaterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项 subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data return data
...@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class TerminalRegister_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class TerminalRegister_msg(MessageBase):
####################################################### #######################################################
def getMsgBody(self): def getMsgBody(self):
msg = "" msg = ""
# msgNums = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2)
# msgNumber = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2)
#市县域 ID (标示终端安装车辆所在的省域,0 保留,由平台取默认值。省 域 ID 采用 GB/T 2260 中规定的行政区划代 码六位中前两) #市县域 ID (标示终端安装车辆所在的省域,0 保留,由平台取默认值。省 域 ID 采用 GB/T 2260 中规定的行政区划代 码六位中前两)
provinceId = "0103" provinceId = "0103"
#制造商 ID (5 个字节,终端制造商编码) #制造商 ID (5 个字节,终端制造商编码)
...@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ class TerminalRegister_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ class TerminalRegister_msg(MessageBase):
carSign = str("渝B23CX".encode("gbk")) carSign = str("渝B23CX".encode("gbk"))
carSign = carSign[2:len(carSign) - 1] carSign = carSign[2:len(carSign) - 1]
carSign = self.str2Hex(carSign) carSign = self.str2Hex(carSign)
# msg = msg + msgNums + msgNumber
msg = msg + provinceId + manufacturerId + terminalType + terminalId + licencePlateColor + carSign msg = msg + provinceId + manufacturerId + terminalType + terminalId + licencePlateColor + carSign
return msg return msg
...@@ -54,9 +57,9 @@ class TerminalRegister_msg(MessageBase): ...@@ -54,9 +57,9 @@ class TerminalRegister_msg(MessageBase):
def getMsgHeader(self): def getMsgHeader(self):
# msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id # msgID = self.int2hexStringByBytes(102,2) #消息id
msgID = "0100" msgID = "0100"
msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(len(self.getMsgBody())) #消息体属性 msgBodyProperty = self.getMsgBodyProperty(int(len(self.getMsgBody()) / 2)) #消息体属性
phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号 phoneNum = self.int2BCD(13146201119) #终端手机号
msgWaterCode = self.int2BCD(1) #消息流水号 msgWaterCode = self.int2hexStringByBytes(1,2) #消息流水号
subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项 subPkgContent = "" #消息包封装项
data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent data = msgID + msgBodyProperty + phoneNum + msgWaterCode + subPkgContent
return data return data
...@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import binascii import binascii
import socket import socket
from lib.protocol.message.DataUpstreamTransport_msg import DataUpstreamTransport_msg
from lib.protocol.message.Location_msg import Location_msg from lib.protocol.message.Location_msg import Location_msg
from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase from lib.protocol.message.MessageBase import MessageBase
from lib.protocol.message.TerminalAuthenticate_msg import TerminalAuthenticate_msg from lib.protocol.message.TerminalAuthenticate_msg import TerminalAuthenticate_msg
...@@ -17,8 +18,9 @@ port = 9001 ...@@ -17,8 +18,9 @@ port = 9001
# msg = TerminalHeartbeat_msg().generateMsg() #终端心跳 # msg = TerminalHeartbeat_msg().generateMsg() #终端心跳
# msg = TerminalRegister_msg().generateMsg() #终端注册 # msg = TerminalRegister_msg().generateMsg() #终端注册
# msg = TerminalCancle_msg().generateMsg() #终端注销 # msg = TerminalCancle_msg().generateMsg() #终端注销
msg = TerminalAuthenticate_msg().generateMsg() #终端鉴权 # msg = TerminalAuthenticate_msg().generateMsg() #终端鉴权
# msg = Location_msg().generateMsg() #位置信息汇报 # msg = Location_msg().generateMsg() #位置信息汇报
msg = DataUpstreamTransport_msg().generateMsg() #数据上行透传消息
print(msg) print(msg)
BUF_SIZE = 1024 BUF_SIZE = 1024
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