Commit 126da44c authored by liyuanhong's avatar liyuanhong

Initial commit

Pipeline #321 canceled with stages

Too many changes to show.

To preserve performance only 1000 of 1000+ files are displayed.

# Operating Specific Junk Files
# OS X
# OS X Thumbnails
# Windows image file caches
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
# Linux
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
# Environment Files
# These should never be under version control,
# as it poses a security risk.
# Temporary Files
# User Guide Temp Files
# Test Files
# Don't save phpunit under version control.
# Composer
# IDE / Development Files
# Modules Testing
# phpenv local config
# Jetbrains editors (PHPStorm, etc)
# Netbeans
# Sublime Text
# Visual Studio Code
# CodeIgniter 4 Framework
## What is CodeIgniter?
CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, flexible, and secure.
More information can be found at the [official site](
This repository holds the distributable version of the framework,
including the user guide. It has been built from the
[development repository](
More information about the plans for version 4 can be found in [the announcement]( on the forums.
The user guide corresponding to this version of the framework can be found
## Important Change with index.php
`index.php` is no longer in the root of the project! It has been moved inside the *public* folder,
for better security and separation of components.
This means that you should configure your web server to "point" to your project's *public* folder, and
not to the project root. A better practice would be to configure a virtual host to point there. A poor practice would be to point your web server to the project root and expect to enter *public/...*, as the rest of your logic and the
framework are exposed.
**Please** read the user guide for a better explanation of how CI4 works!
The user guide updating and deployment is a bit awkward at the moment, but we are working on it!
## Repository Management
We use Github issues, in our main repository, to track **BUGS** and to track approved **DEVELOPMENT** work packages.
We use our [forum]( to provide SUPPORT and to discuss
This repository is a "distribution" one, built by our release preparation script.
Problems with it can be raised on our forum, or as issues in the main repository.
## Contributing
We welcome contributions from the community.
Please read the [*Contributing to CodeIgniter*]( section in the development repository.
## Server Requirements
PHP version 7.2 or higher is required, with the following extensions installed:
- [intl](
- [libcurl]( if you plan to use the HTTP\CURLRequest library
Additionally, make sure that the following extensions are enabled in your PHP:
- json (enabled by default - don't turn it off)
- [mbstring](
- [mysqlnd](
- xml (enabled by default - don't turn it off)
<IfModule authz_core_module>
Require all denied
<IfModule !authz_core_module>
Deny from all
* The goal of this file is to allow developers a location
* where they can overwrite core procedural functions and
* replace them with their own. This file is loaded during
* the bootstrap process and is called during the frameworks
* execution.
* This can be looked at as a `master helper` file that is
* loaded early on, and may also contain additional functions
* that you'd like to use throughout your entire application
* @link:
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class App extends BaseConfig
| Base Site URL
| URL to your CodeIgniter root. Typically this will be your base URL,
| WITH a trailing slash:
| If this is not set then CodeIgniter will try guess the protocol, domain
| and path to your installation. However, you should always configure this
| explicitly and never rely on auto-guessing, especially in production
| environments.
// public $baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/';
public $baseURL = '';
// public $baseURL = 'http://localhost/ci4/public/';
| Index File
| Typically this will be your index.php file, unless you've renamed it to
| something else. If you are using mod_rewrite to remove the page set this
| variable so that it is blank.
public $indexPage = 'index.php';
| This item determines which getServer global should be used to retrieve the
| URI string. The default setting of 'REQUEST_URI' works for most servers.
| If your links do not seem to work, try one of the other delicious flavors:
| WARNING: If you set this to 'PATH_INFO', URIs will always be URL-decoded!
public $uriProtocol = 'REQUEST_URI';
| Default Locale
| The Locale roughly represents the language and location that your visitor
| is viewing the site from. It affects the language strings and other
| strings (like currency markers, numbers, etc), that your program
| should run under for this request.
public $defaultLocale = 'en';
| Negotiate Locale
| If true, the current Request object will automatically determine the
| language to use based on the value of the Accept-Language header.
| If false, no automatic detection will be performed.
public $negotiateLocale = false;
| Supported Locales
| If $negotiateLocale is true, this array lists the locales supported
| by the application in descending order of priority. If no match is
| found, the first locale will be used.
public $supportedLocales = ['en'];
| Application Timezone
| The default timezone that will be used in your application to display
| dates with the date helper, and can be retrieved through app_timezone()
// public $appTimezone = 'America/Chicago';
public $appTimezone = 'Asia/Shanghai';
| Default Character Set
| This determines which character set is used by default in various methods
| that require a character set to be provided.
| See for a list of supported charsets.
public $charset = 'UTF-8';
| If true, this will force every request made to this application to be
| made via a secure connection (HTTPS). If the incoming request is not
| secure, the user will be redirected to a secure version of the page
| and the HTTP Strict Transport Security header will be set.
public $forceGlobalSecureRequests = false;
| Session Variables
| 'sessionDriver'
| The storage driver to use: files, database, redis, memcached
| - CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\FileHandler
| - CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\DatabaseHandler
| - CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\MemcachedHandler
| - CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\RedisHandler
| 'sessionCookieName'
| The session cookie name, must contain only [0-9a-z_-] characters
| 'sessionExpiration'
| The number of SECONDS you want the session to last.
| Setting to 0 (zero) means expire when the browser is closed.
| 'sessionSavePath'
| The location to save sessions to, driver dependent.
| For the 'files' driver, it's a path to a writable directory.
| WARNING: Only absolute paths are supported!
| For the 'database' driver, it's a table name.
| Please read up the manual for the format with other session drivers.
| IMPORTANT: You are REQUIRED to set a valid save path!
| 'sessionMatchIP'
| Whether to match the user's IP address when reading the session data.
| WARNING: If you're using the database driver, don't forget to update
| your session table's PRIMARY KEY when changing this setting.
| 'sessionTimeToUpdate'
| How many seconds between CI regenerating the session ID.
| 'sessionRegenerateDestroy'
| Whether to destroy session data associated with the old session ID
| when auto-regenerating the session ID. When set to FALSE, the data
| will be later deleted by the garbage collector.
| Other session cookie settings are shared with the rest of the application,
| except for 'cookie_prefix' and 'cookie_httponly', which are ignored here.
public $sessionDriver = 'CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\FileHandler';
public $sessionCookieName = 'ci_session';
public $sessionExpiration = 7200;
public $sessionSavePath = WRITEPATH . 'session';
public $sessionMatchIP = false;
public $sessionTimeToUpdate = 300;
public $sessionRegenerateDestroy = false;
| Cookie Related Variables
| 'cookiePrefix' = Set a cookie name prefix if you need to avoid collisions
| 'cookieDomain' = Set to for site-wide cookies
| 'cookiePath' = Typically will be a forward slash
| 'cookieSecure' = Cookie will only be set if a secure HTTPS connection exists.
| 'cookieHTTPOnly' = Cookie will only be accessible via HTTP(S) (no javascript)
| Note: These settings (with the exception of 'cookie_prefix' and
| 'cookie_httponly') will also affect sessions.
public $cookiePrefix = '';
public $cookieDomain = '';
public $cookiePath = '/';
public $cookieSecure = false;
public $cookieHTTPOnly = false;
| Reverse Proxy IPs
| If your server is behind a reverse proxy, you must whitelist the proxy
| IP addresses from which CodeIgniter should trust headers such as
| HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and HTTP_CLIENT_IP in order to properly identify
| the visitor's IP address.
| You can use both an array or a comma-separated list of proxy addresses,
| as well as specifying whole subnets. Here are a few examples:
| Comma-separated: ','
| Array: array('', '')
public $proxyIPs = '';
| Cross Site Request Forgery
| Enables a CSRF cookie token to be set. When set to TRUE, token will be
| checked on a submitted form. If you are accepting user data, it is strongly
| recommended CSRF protection be enabled.
| CSRFTokenName = The token name
| CSRFHeaderName = The header name
| CSRFCookieName = The cookie name
| CSRFExpire = The number in seconds the token should expire.
| CSRFRegenerate = Regenerate token on every submission
| CSRFRedirect = Redirect to previous page with error on failure
public $CSRFTokenName = 'csrf_test_name';
public $CSRFHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-TOKEN';
public $CSRFCookieName = 'csrf_cookie_name';
public $CSRFExpire = 7200;
public $CSRFRegenerate = true;
public $CSRFRedirect = true;
| Content Security Policy
| Enables the Response's Content Secure Policy to restrict the sources that
| can be used for images, scripts, CSS files, audio, video, etc. If enabled,
| the Response object will populate default values for the policy from the
| ContentSecurityPolicy.php file. Controllers can always add to those
| restrictions at run time.
| For a better understanding of CSP, see these documents:
| -
| -
public $CSPEnabled = false;
<?php namespace Config;
require_once SYSTEMPATH . 'Config/AutoloadConfig.php';
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file defines the namespaces and class maps so the Autoloader
* can find the files as needed.
class Autoload extends \CodeIgniter\Config\AutoloadConfig
public $psr4 = [];
public $classmap = [];
* Collects the application-specific autoload settings and merges
* them with the framework's required settings.
* NOTE: If you use an identical key in $psr4 or $classmap, then
* the values in this file will overwrite the framework's values.
public function __construct()
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Namespaces
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* This maps the locations of any namespaces in your application
* to their location on the file system. These are used by the
* Autoloader to locate files the first time they have been instantiated.
* The '/app' and '/system' directories are already mapped for
* you. You may change the name of the 'App' namespace if you wish,
* but this should be done prior to creating any namespaced classes,
* else you will need to modify all of those classes for this to work.
* DO NOT change the name of the CodeIgniter namespace or your application
* WILL break. *
* Prototype:
* $Config['psr4'] = [
* 'CodeIgniter' => SYSPATH
* `];
$psr4 = [
'App' => APPPATH, // To ensure filters, etc still found,
APP_NAMESPACE => APPPATH, // For custom namespace
'Config' => APPPATH . 'Config',
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class Map
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* The class map provides a map of class names and their exact
* location on the drive. Classes loaded in this manner will have
* slightly faster performance because they will not have to be
* searched for within one or more directories as they would if they
* were being autoloaded through a namespace.
* Prototype:
* $Config['classmap'] = [
* 'MyClass' => '/path/to/class/file.php'
* ];
$classmap = [];
// Do Not Edit Below This Line
$this->psr4 = array_merge($this->psr4, $psr4);
$this->classmap = array_merge($this->classmap, $classmap);
unset($psr4, $classmap);
| In development, we want to show as many errors as possible to help
| make sure they don't make it to production. And save us hours of
| painful debugging.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
| If true, this constant will tell the error screens to display debug
| backtraces along with the other error information. If you would
| prefer to not see this, set this value to false.
defined('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE') || define('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE', true);
| Debug mode is an experimental flag that can allow changes throughout
| the system. This will control whether Kint is loaded, and a few other
| items. It can always be used within your own application too.
defined('CI_DEBUG') || define('CI_DEBUG', 1);
| Don't show ANY in production environments. Instead, let the system catch
| it and display a generic error message.
ini_set('display_errors', '0');
| Debug mode is an experimental flag that can allow changes throughout
| the system. It's not widely used currently, and may not survive
| release of the framework.
defined('CI_DEBUG') || define('CI_DEBUG', 0);
| In development, we want to show as many errors as possible to help
| make sure they don't make it to production. And save us hours of
| painful debugging.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
| If true, this constant will tell the error screens to display debug
| backtraces along with the other error information. If you would
| prefer to not see this, set this value to false.
defined('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE') || define('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE', true);
| Debug mode is an experimental flag that can allow changes throughout
| the system. It's not widely used currently, and may not survive
| release of the framework.
defined('CI_DEBUG') || define('CI_DEBUG', 1);
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Cache extends BaseConfig
| Primary Handler
| The name of the preferred handler that should be used. If for some reason
| it is not available, the $backupHandler will be used in its place.
public $handler = 'file';
| Backup Handler
| The name of the handler that will be used in case the first one is
| unreachable. Often, 'file' is used here since the filesystem is
| always available, though that's not always practical for the app.
public $backupHandler = 'dummy';
| Cache Directory Path
| The path to where cache files should be stored, if using a file-based
| system.
public $storePath = WRITEPATH . 'cache/';
| Cache Include Query String
| Whether to take the URL query string into consideration when generating
| output cache files. Valid options are:
| false = Disabled
| true = Enabled, take all query parameters into account.
| Please be aware that this may result in numerous cache
| files generated for the same page over and over again.
| array('q') = Enabled, but only take into account the specified list
| of query parameters.
public $cacheQueryString = false;
| Key Prefix
| This string is added to all cache item names to help avoid collisions
| if you run multiple applications with the same cache engine.
public $prefix = '';
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Memcached settings
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Your Memcached servers can be specified below, if you are using
| the Memcached drivers.
| See:
public $memcached = [
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211,
'weight' => 1,
'raw' => false,
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Redis settings
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Your Redis server can be specified below, if you are using
| the Redis or Predis drivers.
public $redis = [
'host' => '',
'password' => null,
'port' => 6379,
'timeout' => 0,
'database' => 0,
| Available Cache Handlers
| This is an array of cache engine alias' and class names. Only engines
| that are listed here are allowed to be used.
public $validHandlers = [
'dummy' => \CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\DummyHandler::class,
'file' => \CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\FileHandler::class,
'memcached' => \CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\MemcachedHandler::class,
'predis' => \CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\PredisHandler::class,
'redis' => \CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\RedisHandler::class,
'wincache' => \CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\WincacheHandler::class,
// App Namespace
// This defines the default Namespace that is used throughout
// CodeIgniter to refer to the Application directory. Change
// this constant to change the namespace that all application
// classes should use.
// NOTE: changing this will require manually modifying the
// existing namespaces of App\* namespaced-classes.
defined('APP_NAMESPACE') || define('APP_NAMESPACE', 'App');
| Composer Path
| The path that Composer's autoload file is expected to live. By default,
| the vendor folder is in the Root directory, but you can customize that here.
defined('COMPOSER_PATH') || define('COMPOSER_PATH', ROOTPATH . 'vendor/autoload.php');
| Timing Constants
| Provide simple ways to work with the myriad of PHP functions that
| require information to be in seconds.
defined('SECOND') || define('SECOND', 1);
defined('MINUTE') || define('MINUTE', 60);
defined('HOUR') || define('HOUR', 3600);
defined('DAY') || define('DAY', 86400);
defined('WEEK') || define('WEEK', 604800);
defined('MONTH') || define('MONTH', 2592000);
defined('YEAR') || define('YEAR', 31536000);
defined('DECADE') || define('DECADE', 315360000);
| Exit Status Codes
| Used to indicate the conditions under which the script is exit()ing.
| While there is no universal standard for error codes, there are some
| broad conventions. Three such conventions are mentioned below, for
| those who wish to make use of them. The CodeIgniter defaults were
| chosen for the least overlap with these conventions, while still
| leaving room for others to be defined in future versions and user
| applications.
| The three main conventions used for determining exit status codes
| are as follows:
| Standard C/C++ Library (stdlibc):
| (This link also contains other GNU-specific conventions)
| BSD sysexits.h:
| Bash scripting:
defined('EXIT_SUCCESS') || define('EXIT_SUCCESS', 0); // no errors
defined('EXIT_ERROR') || define('EXIT_ERROR', 1); // generic error
defined('EXIT_CONFIG') || define('EXIT_CONFIG', 3); // configuration error
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_FILE') || define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_FILE', 4); // file not found
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_CLASS') || define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_CLASS', 5); // unknown class
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_METHOD') || define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_METHOD', 6); // unknown class member
defined('EXIT_USER_INPUT') || define('EXIT_USER_INPUT', 7); // invalid user input
defined('EXIT_DATABASE') || define('EXIT_DATABASE', 8); // database error
defined('EXIT__AUTO_MIN') || define('EXIT__AUTO_MIN', 9); // lowest automatically-assigned error code
defined('EXIT__AUTO_MAX') || define('EXIT__AUTO_MAX', 125); // highest automatically-assigned error code
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
* Class ContentSecurityPolicyConfig
* Stores the default settings for the ContentSecurityPolicy, if you
* choose to use it. The values here will be read in and set as defaults
* for the site. If needed, they can be overridden on a page-by-page basis.
* Suggested reference for explanations:
* @package Config
class ContentSecurityPolicy extends BaseConfig
// broadbrush CSP management
public $reportOnly = false; // default CSP report context
public $reportURI = null; // URL to send violation reports to
public $upgradeInsecureRequests = false; // toggle for forcing https
// sources allowed; string or array of strings
// Note: once you set a policy to 'none', it cannot be further restricted
public $defaultSrc = null; // will default to self if not over-ridden
public $scriptSrc = 'self';
public $styleSrc = 'self';
public $imageSrc = 'self';
public $baseURI = null; // will default to self if not over-ridden
public $childSrc = 'self';
public $connectSrc = 'self';
public $fontSrc = null;
public $formAction = 'self';
public $frameAncestors = null;
public $mediaSrc = null;
public $objectSrc = 'self';
public $manifestSrc = null;
// mime types allowed; string or array of strings
public $pluginTypes = null;
// list of actions allowed; string or array of strings
public $sandbox = null;
<?php namespace Config;
* Database Configuration
* @package Config
class Database extends \CodeIgniter\Database\Config
* The directory that holds the Migrations
* and Seeds directories.
* @var string
public $filesPath = APPPATH . 'Database/';
* Lets you choose which connection group to
* use if no other is specified.
* @var string
public $defaultGroup = 'default';
* The default database connection.
* @var array
public $default = [
'DSN' => '',
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'lyh',
'password' => 'pass',
'database' => 'sys_man',
'DBDriver' => 'MySQLi',
'DBPrefix' => '',
'pConnect' => false,
'DBDebug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
'cacheOn' => false,
'cacheDir' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'DBCollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swapPre' => '',
'encrypt' => false,
'compress' => false,
'strictOn' => false,
'failover' => [],
'port' => 3306,
* This database connection is used when
* running PHPUnit database tests.
* @var array
public $tests = [
'DSN' => '',
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => ':memory:',
'DBDriver' => 'SQLite3',
'DBPrefix' => 'db_', // Needed to ensure we're working correctly with prefixes live. DO NOT REMOVE FOR CI DEVS
'pConnect' => false,
'DBDebug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
'cacheOn' => false,
'cacheDir' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'DBCollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swapPre' => '',
'encrypt' => false,
'compress' => false,
'strictOn' => false,
'failover' => [],
'port' => 3306,
public function __construct()
// Ensure that we always set the database group to 'tests' if
// we are currently running an automated test suite, so that
// we don't overwrite live data on accident.
if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing')
$this->defaultGroup = 'tests';
// Under Travis-CI, we can set an ENV var named 'DB_GROUP'
// so that we can test against multiple databases.
if ($group = getenv('DB'))
if (is_file(TESTPATH . 'travis/Database.php'))
require TESTPATH . 'travis/Database.php';
if (! empty($dbconfig) && array_key_exists($group, $dbconfig))
$this->tests = $dbconfig[$group];
<?php namespace Config;
* DocTypes
* @package Config
class DocTypes
public $list =
'xhtml11' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">',
'xhtml1-strict' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">',
'xhtml1-trans' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">',
'xhtml1-frame' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">',
'xhtml-basic11' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "">',
'html5' => '<!DOCTYPE html>',
'html4-strict' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">',
'html4-trans' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">',
'html4-frame' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">',
'mathml1' => '<!DOCTYPE math SYSTEM "">',
'mathml2' => '<!DOCTYPE math PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN" "">',
'svg10' => '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">',
'svg11' => '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">',
'svg11-basic' => '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Basic//EN" "">',
'svg11-tiny' => '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Tiny//EN" "">',
'xhtml-math-svg-xh' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" "">',
'xhtml-math-svg-sh' => '<!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" "">',
'xhtml-rdfa-1' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "">',
'xhtml-rdfa-2' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.1//EN" "">',
namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Email extends BaseConfig
* @var string
public $fromEmail;
* @var string
public $fromName;
* @var string
public $recipients;
* The "user agent"
* @var string
public $userAgent = 'CodeIgniter';
* The mail sending protocol: mail, sendmail, smtp
* @var string
public $protocol = 'mail';
* The server path to Sendmail.
* @var string
public $mailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
* SMTP Server Address
* @var string
public $SMTPHost;
* SMTP Username
* @var string
public $SMTPUser;
* SMTP Password
* @var string
public $SMTPPass;
* SMTP Port
* @var integer
public $SMTPPort = 25;
* SMTP Timeout (in seconds)
* @var integer
public $SMTPTimeout = 5;
* Enable persistent SMTP connections
* @var boolean
public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;
* SMTP Encryption. Either tls or ssl
* @var string
public $SMTPCrypto = 'tls';
* Enable word-wrap
* @var boolean
public $wordWrap = true;
* Character count to wrap at
* @var integer
public $wrapChars = 76;
* Type of mail, either 'text' or 'html'
* @var string
public $mailType = 'text';
* Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
* @var string
public $charset = 'UTF-8';
* Whether to validate the email address
* @var boolean
public $validate = false;
* Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal
* @var integer
public $priority = 3;
* Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
* @var string
public $CRLF = "\r\n";
* Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
* @var string
public $newline = "\r\n";
* Enable BCC Batch Mode.
* @var boolean
public $BCCBatchMode = false;
* Number of emails in each BCC batch
* @var integer
public $BCCBatchSize = 200;
* Enable notify message from server
* @var boolean
public $DSN = false;
namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
* Encryption configuration.
* These are the settings used for encryption, if you don't pass a parameter
* array to the encrypter for creation/initialization.
class Encryption extends BaseConfig
| Encryption Key Starter
| If you use the Encryption class you must set an encryption key (seed).
| You need to ensure it is long enough for the cipher and mode you plan to use.
| See the user guide for more info.
public $key = '';
| Encryption driver to use
| One of the supported drivers, eg 'OpenSSL' or 'Sodium'.
| The default driver, if you don't specify one, is 'OpenSSL'.
public $driver = 'OpenSSL';
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Events\Events;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Application Events
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Events allow you to tap into the execution of the program without
* modifying or extending core files. This file provides a central
* location to define your events, though they can always be added
* at run-time, also, if needed.
* You create code that can execute by subscribing to events with
* the 'on()' method. This accepts any form of callable, including
* Closures, that will be executed when the event is triggered.
* Example:
* Events::on('create', [$myInstance, 'myMethod']);
Events::on('pre_system', function () {
if (ENVIRONMENT !== 'testing')
while (\ob_get_level() > 0)
\ob_start(function ($buffer) {
return $buffer;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debug Toolbar Listeners.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* If you delete, they will no longer be collected.
if (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production')
Events::on('DBQuery', 'CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\Database::collect');
<?php namespace Config;
* Setup how the exception handler works.
* @package Config
class Exceptions
| If true, then exceptions will be logged
| through Services::Log.
| Default: true
public $log = true;
| Any status codes here will NOT be logged if logging is turned on.
| By default, only 404 (Page Not Found) exceptions are ignored.
public $ignoreCodes = [ 404 ];
| Error Views Path
| This is the path to the directory that contains the 'cli' and 'html'
| directories that hold the views used to generate errors.
| Default: APPPATH.'Views/errors'
public $errorViewPath = APPPATH . 'Views/errors';
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Filters extends BaseConfig
// Makes reading things below nicer,
// and simpler to change out script that's used.
public $aliases = [
'csrf' => \CodeIgniter\Filters\CSRF::class,
'toolbar' => \CodeIgniter\Filters\DebugToolbar::class,
'honeypot' => \CodeIgniter\Filters\Honeypot::class,
'login_filter' => \App\Filters\LoginFilter::class,
'login_page_filter' => \App\Filters\LoginPageFilter::class
// Always applied before every request
public $globals = [
'before' => [
// 'csrf',
'after' => [
// Works on all of a particular HTTP method
// (GET, POST, etc) as BEFORE filters only
// like: 'post' => ['CSRF', 'throttle'],
public $methods = [
// 'get' => ['login_page_filter']
// List filter aliases and any before/after uri patterns
// that they should run on, like:
// 'isLoggedIn' => ['before' => ['account/*', 'profiles/*']],
public $filters = [
'login_page_filter' => ['before' => ['devManage','devManage/*','orgManage','orgManage/*','userManage','userManage/*']],
'login_filter' => ['before' => ['devManageCtr','devManageCtr/*']]
<?php namespace Config;
class ForeignCharacters extends \CodeIgniter\Config\ForeignCharacters
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Format extends BaseConfig
| Available Response Formats
| When you perform content negotiation with the request, these are the
| available formats that your application supports. This is currently
| only used with the API\ResponseTrait. A valid Formatter must exist
| for the specified format.
| These formats are only checked when the data passed to the respond()
| method is an array.
public $supportedResponseFormats = [
'application/xml', // machine-readable XML
'text/xml', // human-readable XML
| Formatters
| Lists the class to use to format responses with of a particular type.
| For each mime type, list the class that should be used. Formatters
| can be retrieved through the getFormatter() method.
public $formatters = [
'application/json' => \CodeIgniter\Format\JSONFormatter::class,
'application/xml' => \CodeIgniter\Format\XMLFormatter::class,
'text/xml' => \CodeIgniter\Format\XMLFormatter::class,
* A Factory method to return the appropriate formatter for the given mime type.
* @param string $mime
* @return \CodeIgniter\Format\FormatterInterface
public function getFormatter(string $mime)
if (! array_key_exists($mime, $this->formatters))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No Formatter defined for mime type: ' . $mime);
$class = $this->formatters[$mime];
if (! class_exists($class))
throw new \BadMethodCallException($class . ' is not a valid Formatter.');
return new $class();
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Honeypot extends BaseConfig
* Makes Honeypot visible or not to human
* @var boolean
public $hidden = true;
* Honeypot Label Content
* @var string
public $label = 'Fill This Field';
* Honeypot Field Name
* @var string
public $name = 'honeypot';
* Honeypot HTML Template
* @var string
public $template = '<label>{label}</label><input type="text" name="{name}" value=""/>';
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Images extends BaseConfig
* Default handler used if no other handler is specified.
* @var string
public $defaultHandler = 'gd';
* The path to the image library.
* Required for ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, or NetPBM.
* @var string
public $libraryPath = '/usr/local/bin/convert';
* The available handler classes.
* @var array
public $handlers = [
'gd' => \CodeIgniter\Images\Handlers\GDHandler::class,
'imagick' => \CodeIgniter\Images\Handlers\ImageMagickHandler::class,
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
use Kint\Renderer\Renderer;
class Kint extends BaseConfig
| Kint
| We use Kint's RichRenderer and CLIRenderer. This area contains options
| that you can set to customize how Kint works for you.
| For details on these settings, see Kint's docs:
| Global Settings
public $plugins = null;
public $maxDepth = 6;
public $displayCalledFrom = true;
public $expanded = false;
| RichRenderer Settings
public $richTheme = 'aante-light.css';
public $richFolder = false;
public $richSort = Renderer::SORT_FULL;
public $richObjectPlugins = null;
public $richTabPlugins = null;
| CLI Settings
public $cliColors = true;
public $cliForceUTF8 = false;
public $cliDetectWidth = true;
public $cliMinWidth = 40;
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Logger extends BaseConfig
| Error Logging Threshold
| You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The
| threshold determines what gets logged. Any values below or equal to the
| threshold will be logged. Threshold options are:
| 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
| 1 = Emergency Messages - System is unusable
| 2 = Alert Messages - Action Must Be Taken Immediately
| 3 = Critical Messages - Application component unavailable, unexpected exception.
| 4 = Runtime Errors - Don't need immediate action, but should be monitored.
| 5 = Warnings - Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
| 6 = Notices - Normal but significant events.
| 7 = Info - Interesting events, like user logging in, etc.
| 8 = Debug - Detailed debug information.
| 9 = All Messages
| You can also pass an array with threshold levels to show individual error types
| array(1, 2, 3, 8) = Emergency, Alert, Critical, and Debug messages
| For a live site you'll usually enable Critical or higher (3) to be logged otherwise
| your log files will fill up very fast.
public $threshold = 3;
| Date Format for Logs
| Each item that is logged has an associated date. You can use PHP date
| codes to set your own date formatting
public $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
| Log Handlers
| The logging system supports multiple actions to be taken when something
| is logged. This is done by allowing for multiple Handlers, special classes
| designed to write the log to their chosen destinations, whether that is
| a file on the getServer, a cloud-based service, or even taking actions such
| as emailing the dev team.
| Each handler is defined by the class name used for that handler, and it
| MUST implement the CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\HandlerInterface interface.
| The value of each key is an array of configuration items that are sent
| to the constructor of each handler. The only required configuration item
| is the 'handles' element, which must be an array of integer log levels.
| This is most easily handled by using the constants defined in the
| Psr\Log\LogLevel class.
| Handlers are executed in the order defined in this array, starting with
| the handler on top and continuing down.
public $handlers = [
// File Handler
'CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\FileHandler' => [
* The log levels that this handler will handle.
'handles' => [
* The default filename extension for log files.
* An extension of 'php' allows for protecting the log files via basic
* scripting, when they are to be stored under a publicly accessible directory.
* Note: Leaving it blank will default to 'log'.
'fileExtension' => '',
* The file system permissions to be applied on newly created log files.
* IMPORTANT: This MUST be an integer (no quotes) and you MUST use octal
* integer notation (i.e. 0700, 0644, etc.)
'filePermissions' => 0644,
* Logging Directory Path
* By default, logs are written to WRITEPATH . 'logs/'
* Specify a different destination here, if desired.
'path' => '',
* The ChromeLoggerHandler requires the use of the Chrome web browser
* and the ChromeLogger extension. Uncomment this block to use it.
// 'CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\ChromeLoggerHandler' => [
// /*
// * The log levels that this handler will handle.
// */
// 'handles' => ['critical', 'alert', 'emergency', 'debug',
// 'error', 'info', 'notice', 'warning'],
// ]
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Migrations extends BaseConfig
| Enable/Disable Migrations
| Migrations are enabled by default for security reasons.
| You should enable migrations whenever you intend to do a schema migration
| and disable it back when you're done.
public $enabled = true;
| Migrations table
| This is the name of the table that will store the current migrations state.
| When migrations runs it will store in a database table which migration
| level the system is at. It then compares the migration level in this
| table to the $config['migration_version'] if they are not the same it
| will migrate up. This must be set.
public $table = 'migrations';
| Timestamp Format
| This is the format that will be used when creating new migrations
| using the cli command:
| > php spark migrate:create
| Typical formats:
| YmdHis_
| Y-m-d-His_
| Y_m_d_His_
public $timestampFormat = 'Y-m-d-His_';
This diff is collapsed.
<?php namespace Config;
// Cannot extend BaseConfig or looping resources occurs.
class Modules
| Auto-Discovery Enabled?
| If true, then auto-discovery will happen across all elements listed in
| $activeExplorers below. If false, no auto-discovery will happen at all,
| giving a slight performance boost.
public $enabled = true;
| Auto-Discovery Within Composer Packages Enabled?
| If true, then auto-discovery will happen across all namespaces loaded
| by Composer, as well as the namespaces configured locally.
public $discoverInComposer = true;
| Auto-discover Rules
| Lists the aliases of all discovery classes that will be active
| and used during the current application request. If it is not
| listed here, only the base application elements will be used.
public $activeExplorers = [
* Should the application auto-discover the requested resources.
* Valid values are:
* - events
* - registrars
* - routes
* - services
* @param string $alias
* @return boolean
public function shouldDiscover(string $alias)
if (! $this->enabled)
return false;
$alias = strtolower($alias);
return in_array($alias, $this->activeExplorers);
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Pager extends BaseConfig
| Templates
| Pagination links are rendered out using views to configure their
| appearance. This array contains aliases and the view names to
| use when rendering the links.
| Within each view, the Pager object will be available as $pager,
| and the desired group as $pagerGroup;
public $templates = [
'default_full' => 'CodeIgniter\Pager\Views\default_full',
'default_simple' => 'CodeIgniter\Pager\Views\default_simple',
'default_head' => 'CodeIgniter\Pager\Views\default_head',
| Items Per Page
| The default number of results shown in a single page.
public $perPage = 20;
<?php namespace Config;
* Holds the paths that are used by the system to
* locate the main directories, app, system, etc.
* Modifying these allows you to re-structure your application,
* share a system folder between multiple applications, and more.
* All paths are relative to the project's root folder.
class Paths
* This variable must contain the name of your "system" folder.
* Include the path if the folder is not in the same directory
* as this file.
public $systemDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../../system';
* If you want this front controller to use a different "app"
* folder than the default one you can set its name here. The folder
* can also be renamed or relocated anywhere on your getServer. If
* you do, use a full getServer path. For more info please see the user guide:
public $appDirectory = __DIR__ . '/..';
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* This variable must contain the name of your "writable" directory.
* The writable directory allows you to group all directories that
* need write permission to a single place that can be tucked away
* for maximum security, keeping it out of the app and/or
* system directories.
public $writableDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../../writable';
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* This variable must contain the name of your "tests" directory.
public $testsDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../../tests';
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* This variable must contain the name of the directory that
* contains the view files used by your application. By
* default this is in `app/Views`. This value
* is used when no value is provided to `Services::renderer()`.
public $viewDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../Views';
<?php namespace Config;
// Create a new instance of our RouteCollection class.
$routes = Services::routes();
// Load the system's routing file first, so that the app and ENVIRONMENT
// can override as needed.
if (file_exists(SYSTEMPATH . 'Config/Routes.php'))
require SYSTEMPATH . 'Config/Routes.php';
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Router Setup
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Route Definitions
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
// We get a performance increase by specifying the default
// route since we don't have to scan directories.
$routes->get('/', 'Home::index');
$routes->get('/devManage', 'DevManage::devManagePage');
$routes->get('/sign', 'Sign::loginPage');
$routes->get('/orgManage', 'OrgManage::orgManagePage');
$routes->get('/userManage', 'UserManage::userManagePage');
$routes->get('/sysManage', 'SysManage::logManagePage');
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Additional Routing
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* There will often be times that you need additional routing and you
* need to it be able to override any defaults in this file. Environment
* based routes is one such time. require() additional route files here
* to make that happen.
* You will have access to the $routes object within that file without
* needing to reload it.
if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'Config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/Routes.php'))
require APPPATH . 'Config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/Routes.php';
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\Services as CoreServices;
require_once SYSTEMPATH . 'Config/Services.php';
* Services Configuration file.
* Services are simply other classes/libraries that the system uses
* to do its job. This is used by CodeIgniter to allow the core of the
* framework to be swapped out easily without affecting the usage within
* the rest of your application.
* This file holds any application-specific services, or service overrides
* that you might need. An example has been included with the general
* method format you should use for your service methods. For more examples,
* see the core Services file at system/Config/Services.php.
class Services extends CoreServices
// public static function example($getShared = true)
// {
// if ($getShared)
// {
// return static::getSharedInstance('example');
// }
// return new \CodeIgniter\Example();
// }
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Toolbar extends BaseConfig
| Debug Toolbar
| The Debug Toolbar provides a way to see information about the performance
| and state of your application during that page display. By default it will
| NOT be displayed under production environments, and will only display if
| CI_DEBUG is true, since if it's not, there's not much to display anyway.
| toolbarMaxHistory = Number of history files, 0 for none or -1 for unlimited
public $collectors = [
// \CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\Cache::class,
| Max History
| The Toolbar allows you to view recent requests that have been made to
| the application while the toolbar is active. This allows you to quickly
| view and compare multiple requests.
| $maxHistory sets a limit on the number of past requests that are stored,
| helping to conserve file space used to store them. You can set it to
| 0 (zero) to not have any history stored, or -1 for unlimited history.
public $maxHistory = 20;
| Toolbar Views Path
| The full path to the the views that are used by the toolbar.
| MUST have a trailing slash.
public $viewsPath = SYSTEMPATH . 'Debug/Toolbar/Views/';
| Max Queries
| If the Database Collector is enabled, it will log every query that the
| the system generates so they can be displayed on the toolbar's timeline
| and in the query log. This can lead to memory issues in some instances
| with hundreds of queries.
| $maxQueries defines the maximum amount of queries that will be stored.
public $maxQueries = 100;
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class UserAgents extends BaseConfig
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| This file contains four arrays of user agent data. It is used by the
| User Agent Class to help identify browser, platform, robot, and
| mobile device data. The array keys are used to identify the device
| and the array values are used to set the actual name of the item.
public $platforms = [
'windows nt 10.0' => 'Windows 10',
'windows nt 6.3' => 'Windows 8.1',
'windows nt 6.2' => 'Windows 8',
'windows nt 6.1' => 'Windows 7',
'windows nt 6.0' => 'Windows Vista',
'windows nt 5.2' => 'Windows 2003',
'windows nt 5.1' => 'Windows XP',
'windows nt 5.0' => 'Windows 2000',
'windows nt 4.0' => 'Windows NT 4.0',
'winnt4.0' => 'Windows NT 4.0',
'winnt 4.0' => 'Windows NT',
'winnt' => 'Windows NT',
'windows 98' => 'Windows 98',
'win98' => 'Windows 98',
'windows 95' => 'Windows 95',
'win95' => 'Windows 95',
'windows phone' => 'Windows Phone',
'windows' => 'Unknown Windows OS',
'android' => 'Android',
'blackberry' => 'BlackBerry',
'iphone' => 'iOS',
'ipad' => 'iOS',
'ipod' => 'iOS',
'os x' => 'Mac OS X',
'ppc mac' => 'Power PC Mac',
'freebsd' => 'FreeBSD',
'ppc' => 'Macintosh',
'linux' => 'Linux',
'debian' => 'Debian',
'sunos' => 'Sun Solaris',
'beos' => 'BeOS',
'apachebench' => 'ApacheBench',
'aix' => 'AIX',
'irix' => 'Irix',
'osf' => 'DEC OSF',
'hp-ux' => 'HP-UX',
'netbsd' => 'NetBSD',
'bsdi' => 'BSDi',
'openbsd' => 'OpenBSD',
'gnu' => 'GNU/Linux',
'unix' => 'Unknown Unix OS',
'symbian' => 'Symbian OS',
// The order of this array should NOT be changed. Many browsers return
// multiple browser types so we want to identify the sub-type first.
public $browsers = [
'OPR' => 'Opera',
'Flock' => 'Flock',
'Edge' => 'Spartan',
'Chrome' => 'Chrome',
// Opera 10+ always reports Opera/9.80 and appends Version/<real version> to the user agent string
'Opera.*?Version' => 'Opera',
'Opera' => 'Opera',
'MSIE' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Internet Explorer' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Trident.* rv' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Shiira' => 'Shiira',
'Firefox' => 'Firefox',
'Chimera' => 'Chimera',
'Phoenix' => 'Phoenix',
'Firebird' => 'Firebird',
'Camino' => 'Camino',
'Netscape' => 'Netscape',
'OmniWeb' => 'OmniWeb',
'Safari' => 'Safari',
'Mozilla' => 'Mozilla',
'Konqueror' => 'Konqueror',
'icab' => 'iCab',
'Lynx' => 'Lynx',
'Links' => 'Links',
'hotjava' => 'HotJava',
'amaya' => 'Amaya',
'IBrowse' => 'IBrowse',
'Maxthon' => 'Maxthon',
'Ubuntu' => 'Ubuntu Web Browser',
'Vivaldi' => 'Vivaldi',
public $mobiles = [
// legacy array, old values commented out
'mobileexplorer' => 'Mobile Explorer',
// 'openwave' => 'Open Wave',
// 'opera mini' => 'Opera Mini',
// 'operamini' => 'Opera Mini',
// 'elaine' => 'Palm',
'palmsource' => 'Palm',
// 'digital paths' => 'Palm',
// 'avantgo' => 'Avantgo',
// 'xiino' => 'Xiino',
'palmscape' => 'Palmscape',
// 'nokia' => 'Nokia',
// 'ericsson' => 'Ericsson',
// 'blackberry' => 'BlackBerry',
// 'motorola' => 'Motorola'
// Phones and Manufacturers
'motorola' => 'Motorola',
'nokia' => 'Nokia',
'palm' => 'Palm',
'iphone' => 'Apple iPhone',
'ipad' => 'iPad',
'ipod' => 'Apple iPod Touch',
'sony' => 'Sony Ericsson',
'ericsson' => 'Sony Ericsson',
'blackberry' => 'BlackBerry',
'cocoon' => 'O2 Cocoon',
'blazer' => 'Treo',
'lg' => 'LG',
'amoi' => 'Amoi',
'xda' => 'XDA',
'mda' => 'MDA',
'vario' => 'Vario',
'htc' => 'HTC',
'samsung' => 'Samsung',
'sharp' => 'Sharp',
'sie-' => 'Siemens',
'alcatel' => 'Alcatel',
'benq' => 'BenQ',
'ipaq' => 'HP iPaq',
'mot-' => 'Motorola',
'playstation portable' => 'PlayStation Portable',
'playstation 3' => 'PlayStation 3',
'playstation vita' => 'PlayStation Vita',
'hiptop' => 'Danger Hiptop',
'nec-' => 'NEC',
'panasonic' => 'Panasonic',
'philips' => 'Philips',
'sagem' => 'Sagem',
'sanyo' => 'Sanyo',
'spv' => 'SPV',
'zte' => 'ZTE',
'sendo' => 'Sendo',
'nintendo dsi' => 'Nintendo DSi',
'nintendo ds' => 'Nintendo DS',
'nintendo 3ds' => 'Nintendo 3DS',
'wii' => 'Nintendo Wii',
'open web' => 'Open Web',
'openweb' => 'OpenWeb',
// Operating Systems
'android' => 'Android',
'symbian' => 'Symbian',
'SymbianOS' => 'SymbianOS',
'elaine' => 'Palm',
'series60' => 'Symbian S60',
'windows ce' => 'Windows CE',
// Browsers
'obigo' => 'Obigo',
'netfront' => 'Netfront Browser',
'openwave' => 'Openwave Browser',
'mobilexplorer' => 'Mobile Explorer',
'operamini' => 'Opera Mini',
'opera mini' => 'Opera Mini',
'opera mobi' => 'Opera Mobile',
'fennec' => 'Firefox Mobile',
// Other
'digital paths' => 'Digital Paths',
'avantgo' => 'AvantGo',
'xiino' => 'Xiino',
'novarra' => 'Novarra Transcoder',
'vodafone' => 'Vodafone',
'docomo' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'o2' => 'O2',
// Fallback
'mobile' => 'Generic Mobile',
'wireless' => 'Generic Mobile',
'j2me' => 'Generic Mobile',
'midp' => 'Generic Mobile',
'cldc' => 'Generic Mobile',
'' => 'Generic Mobile',
'up.browser' => 'Generic Mobile',
'smartphone' => 'Generic Mobile',
'cellphone' => 'Generic Mobile',
// There are hundreds of bots but these are the most common.
public $robots = [
'googlebot' => 'Googlebot',
'msnbot' => 'MSNBot',
'baiduspider' => 'Baiduspider',
'bingbot' => 'Bing',
'slurp' => 'Inktomi Slurp',
'yahoo' => 'Yahoo',
'ask jeeves' => 'Ask Jeeves',
'fastcrawler' => 'FastCrawler',
'infoseek' => 'InfoSeek Robot 1.0',
'lycos' => 'Lycos',
'yandex' => 'YandexBot',
'mediapartners-google' => 'MediaPartners Google',
'CRAZYWEBCRAWLER' => 'Crazy Webcrawler',
'adsbot-google' => 'AdsBot Google',
'feedfetcher-google' => 'Feedfetcher Google',
'curious george' => 'Curious George',
'ia_archiver' => 'Alexa Crawler',
'MJ12bot' => 'Majestic-12',
'Uptimebot' => 'Uptimebot',
<?php namespace Config;
class Validation
// Setup
* Stores the classes that contain the
* rules that are available.
* @var array
public $ruleSets = [
* Specifies the views that are used to display the
* errors.
* @var array
public $templates = [
'list' => 'CodeIgniter\Validation\Views\list',
'single' => 'CodeIgniter\Validation\Views\single',
// Rules
<?php namespace Config;
class View extends \CodeIgniter\Config\View
* When false, the view method will clear the data between each
* call. This keeps your data safe and ensures there is no accidental
* leaking between calls, so you would need to explicitly pass the data
* to each view. You might prefer to have the data stick around between
* calls so that it is available to all views. If that is the case,
* set $saveData to true.
public $saveData = true;
* Parser Filters map a filter name with any PHP callable. When the
* Parser prepares a variable for display, it will chain it
* through the filters in the order defined, inserting any parameters.
* To prevent potential abuse, all filters MUST be defined here
* in order for them to be available for use within the Parser.
* Examples:
* { title|esc(js) }
* { created_on|date(Y-m-d)|esc(attr) }
public $filters = [];
* Parser Plugins provide a way to extend the functionality provided
* by the core Parser by creating aliases that will be replaced with
* any callable. Can be single or tag pair.
public $plugins = [];
namespace App\Controllers;
* Class BaseController
* BaseController provides a convenient place for loading components
* and performing functions that are needed by all your controllers.
* Extend this class in any new controllers:
* class Home extends BaseController
* For security be sure to declare any new methods as protected or private.
* @package CodeIgniter
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class BaseController extends Controller
* An array of helpers to be loaded automatically upon
* class instantiation. These helpers will be available
* to all other controllers that extend BaseController.
* @var array
protected $helpers = [];
* Constructor.
public function initController(\CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface $request, \CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface $response, \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger)
// Do Not Edit This Line
parent::initController($request, $response, $logger);
// Preload any models, libraries, etc, here.
// E.g.:
// $this->session = \Config\Services::session();
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class DevManage extends BaseController
* 设备管理页面
public function devManagePage()
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
$page = (int)$this->request->getGet("page");
if($page == 0){
$page = 1;
$perPage = (int)$this->request->getGet("perPage");
if($perPage == 0){
$perPage = 20;
$item = array();
$item["page"] = $page;
$item["perPage"] = $perPage;
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$devManageModel = new \App\Models\DevManageModel();
$firstCategory = $devManageModel->getAllFirstCategory();
$secondCategory = $devManageModel->getSecondCategoryByFirstCategoryId();
$devices = $devManageModel->getDevicesAllInfoByPage($item);
$totalNums = $devManageModel->getTatalDeviceNum()[0]["total"];
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$orgSections = $orgManageModel->getAllOrgSection();
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["notification"] = [];
$data["category"] = array();
$data["category"]["firstCategory"] = $firstCategory;
$data["category"]["secondCategory"] = $secondCategory;
$data["orgSections"] = $orgSections;
$data["devices"] = $devices;
$data["pageInfo"] = array();
$data["pageInfo"]["page"] = $page;
$data["pageInfo"]["perPage"] = $perPage;
$data["pageInfo"]["total"] = $totalNums;
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('devManage/dev_manage',$data);
* 设备详情页面
public function devDetail(){
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
$devId = (int)$this->request->getGet("devId");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$devManageModel = new \App\Models\DevManageModel();
$devInfo = $devManageModel->getDeviceInfoById($devId);
$devImg = $devManageModel->getDevImgsById($devId);
if(count($devInfo) == 0){
$devInfo[0] = array();
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["devInfo"] = $devInfo[0];
$data["devImg"] = $devImg;
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('devManage/dev_detail',$data);
* 分类管理页面
public function categoryManagePage(){
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
$data["category"] = array();
$devManageModel = new \App\Models\DevManageModel();
$data["category"]["firstCategory"] = $devManageModel->getAllFirstCategory();
$data["category"]["secondCategory"] = $devManageModel->getSecondCategoryByFirstCategoryId();
return view('devManage/category_manage',$data);
This diff is collapsed.
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class Home extends BaseController
* 进入设备管理系统首页
public function index()
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('home/home',$data);
* 展示设备页面
public function showDevs()
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
$page = (int)$this->request->getGet("page");
if($page == 0){
$page = 1;
$perPage = (int)$this->request->getGet("perPage");
if($perPage == 0){
$perPage = 20;
$item = array();
$item["page"] = $page;
$item["perPage"] = $perPage;
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$devManageModel = new \App\Models\DevManageModel();
$devices = $devManageModel->getDevicesAllInfoByPage($item);
$totalNums = $devManageModel->getTatalDeviceNum()[0]["total"];
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["devices"] = $devices;
$data["pageInfo"] = array();
$data["pageInfo"]["page"] = $page;
$data["pageInfo"]["perPage"] = $perPage;
$data["pageInfo"]["total"] = $totalNums;
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('home/show_devs',$data);
* 设备详情页面
public function showDevDetail()
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
$devId = (int)$this->request->getGet("devId");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$devManageModel = new \App\Models\DevManageModel();
$devInfo = $devManageModel->getDeviceInfoById($devId);
$devImg = $devManageModel->getDevImgsById($devId);
if(count($devInfo) == 0){
$devInfo[0] = array();
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["devInfo"] = $devInfo[0];
$data["devImg"] = $devImg;
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('home/show_dev_detail',$data);
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class HomeCtr extends BaseController
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class OrgManage extends BaseController
* 组织部门管理页面
public function orgManagePage()
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$orgSections = $orgManageModel->getAllOrgSection();
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["notification"] = [];
$data["orgSections"] = $orgSections;
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('orgManage/org_manage',$data);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class OrgManageCtr extends BaseController
* 添加部门
public function addOrgSection(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$timest = time();
$curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timest);
$item = array();
$item["org_section_name"] = $param->org_section_name;
$item["org_section_detail"] = $param->org_section_detail;
$item["create_time"] = $curTime;
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "添加部门成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 删除部门
public function delOrgSection(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$orgSectionId = $param->org_section_id;
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "删除部门成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 更新部门
public function updateOrgSection(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$item = array();
$item["org_section_name"] = $param->org_section_name;
$item["org_section_detail"] = $param->org_section_detail;
$item["id"] = $param->org_section_id;
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "修改部门成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 获取所有部门
public function getAllOrgSections(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$data = $orgManageModel->getAllOrgSection();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["data"] = $data;
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class Sign extends BaseController
* 登录页面
public function loginPage(){
$data = array();
return view('sign/login',$data);
* 注册页面
public function registerPage(){
$data = array();
return view('sign/register',$data);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class SignCtr extends BaseController
* 用户登录
public function login(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$timest = time();
$curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timest);
$item = array();
$item["username"] = $param->username;
$item["password"] = $param->password;
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($param->username);
if(count($userInfo) == 0){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$result["message"] = "该用户不存在!";
if($userInfo[0]["password"] == $param->password){
$tokenInfo = array();
$exInfo = $param->username.$param->password.$curTime; //用于生成token的字符串
$tokenStr = md5($exInfo);
$tokenInfo["token"] = $tokenStr;
$tokenInfo["login_time"] = $curTime;
$tokenInfo["username"] = $param->username;
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "登录成功!";
$userInfo[0]["token"] = $tokenStr;
$result["user"] = $userInfo[0];
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$result["message"] = "用户名或密码不对!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 用户登出
public function logout(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$item = array();
$item["username"] = $param->username;
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($param->username);
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "退出登录成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 注册用户
public function register(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$timest = time();
$curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timest);
$item = array();
$item["username"] = $param->username;
$item["nick"] = $param->nick;
$item["password"] = $param->password;
$item["status"] = 0; //正常用户
$item["role"] = 2; //普通用户
$item["register_time"] = $curTime;
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($param->username);
if(count($userInfo) > 0){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$result["message"] = "该用户已存在!";
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "注册成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class SysManage extends BaseController
* 日志管理页面
public function logManagePage(){
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
$page = (int)$this->request->getGet("page");
// if($page == 0){
// $page = 1;
// }
// $perPage = (int)$this->request->getGet("perPage");
// if($perPage == 0){
// $perPage = 20;
// }
// $item = array();
// $item["page"] = $page;
// $item["perPage"] = $perPage;
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('sysManage/log_manage',$data);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class UserManage extends BaseController
* 用户管理页面
public function userManagePage(){
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
$page = (int)$this->request->getGet("page");
if($page == 0){
$page = 1;
$perPage = (int)$this->request->getGet("perPage");
if($perPage == 0){
$perPage = 20;
$item = array();
$item["page"] = $page;
$item["perPage"] = $perPage;
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$userManageModel = new \App\Models\UserManageModel();
$users = $userManageModel->getUsersByPage($item);
$totalNums = $userManageModel->getTatalUserNum()[0]["total"];
$orgManageModel = new \App\Models\OrgManageModel();
$orgSections = $orgManageModel->getAllOrgSection();
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["users"] = $users;
$data["orgSections"] = $orgSections;
$data["notification"] = [];
$data["pageInfo"] = array();
$data["pageInfo"]["page"] = $page;
$data["pageInfo"]["perPage"] = $perPage;
$data["pageInfo"]["total"] = $totalNums;
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('userManage/user_manage',$data);
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 权限管理区域 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 展示权限页面
public function showRightsPage(){
$data = array();
$username = $this->request->getGet("username");
$token = $this->request->getGet("token");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
$userManageModel = new \App\Models\UserManageModel();
if($userInfo[0]["token"] == $token){
$data["userInfo"] = $userInfo[0];
$data["notification"] = [];
//TODO 小红点的逻辑需要加上
$data["userInfo"] = [];
$data["uri"] = getUriInfo($this->request);
return view('userManage/show_rights',$data);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class UserManageCtr extends BaseController
* 添加用户
public function addUser(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$timest = time();
$curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timest);
$item = array();
$item["username"] = $param->username;
$item["nick"] = $param->nick;
$item["password"] = $param->password;
$item["status"] = 0;
$item["role"] = $param->role;
$item["org_section_id"] = $param->org_section_id;
$item["create_time"] = $curTime;
$userManageModel = new \App\Models\UserManageModel();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "添加用户成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 编辑用户
public function editUser(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$timest = time();
$curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timest);
$item = array();
$item["id"] = $param->userId;
$item["username"] = $param->username;
$item["nick"] = $param->nick;
$item["password"] = $param->password;
$item["status"] = 0;
$item["role"] = $param->role;
$item["org_section_id"] = $param->org_section_id;
$item["update_time"] = $curTime;
$userManageModel = new \App\Models\UserManageModel();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "更新用户成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
* 删除用户用户
public function delUser(){
$result = array();
$param = $this->request->getJSON();
$id = $param->userId;
$userManageModel = new \App\Models\UserManageModel();
$result["status"] = SUCESS;
$result["message"] = "删除用户成功!";
}catch (Exception $e){
$result["status"] = COMMON_FAIL;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$result["message"] = $message;
$this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->setHeader('charset', 'utf-8');
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Filters;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
* 针对接口访问的过滤器
class LoginFilter implements FilterInterface
public function before(RequestInterface $request)
$param = $request->getJSON();
public function after(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
// Do something here
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Filters;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
* 针对页面访问的过滤器
class LoginPageFilter implements FilterInterface
public function before(RequestInterface $request)
$username = $request->getGet("username");
$token = $request->getGet("token");
if($username == "" || $token == ""){
return redirect("sign");
$signModel = new \App\Models\SignModel();
$userInfo = $signModel->getItemByUsername($username);
if($userInfo[0]["token"] != $token){
return redirect("sign");
public function after(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
// Do something here
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Filters;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
* 针对权限接口访问的过滤器
class RightsFilter implements FilterInterface
public function before(RequestInterface $request)
$param = $request->getJSON();
public function after(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
// Do something here
\ No newline at end of file
define('IMG_ORI', "pics/"); //保存压缩后的大图片常量
define('IMG_SMALL', "pics/small/"); //保存压缩后的小图片常量
define('IMG_SCALE', 800); //图片按照高压缩的比例,算法为: 图片高/(图片高/IMG_SCALE),压缩有的高为:IMG_SCALE
define('IMG_SCALE_SMALL', 80);
\ No newline at end of file
define('SUCESS', "200"); //返回成功状态码
define('NO_LOGIN', "4001"); //用户未登录
define('COMMON_FAIL', "4003"); //通用失败信息
\ No newline at end of file
* 获取请求url信息
function getUriInfo($request){
$data = array();
$data["url"] = (string)$request->uri;
$data["seg"] = $request->uri->getSegments();
if(count($data["seg"]) == 0){
return $data;
function test(){
echo "test";
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class DevManageModel extends Model
protected $DBGroup = 'default'; //默认连接的数据库
protected $table = 'first_category'; //指定模型要使用的数据库表
protected $returnType = 'array';
protected $allowedFields = [ //允许更改,写入数据库的字段
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 分类管理区域 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 向第一分类表插入数据
public function insertFirstCategoryData($data){
$maxIdObj = $this->db->query('select Max(id) AS id from first_category');
$maxIdResult = $maxIdObj->getResultArray();
$id = $maxIdResult[0]["id"] + 1;
$sql = 'insert into first_category (id,category_name,detail,create_time) values ("'.$id.'","'
$insertObj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 删除一条第一分类数据
public function delFirstCategoryById($id){
$sql = "delete from second_category where first_category_id=".$id;
$sql = "delete from first_category where id=".$id;
* 删除一条第二级分类数据
public function delSecondCategoryById($id){
$sql = "delete from second_category where id=".$id;
* 向第二分类表插入数据
public function insertSecondCategoryData($data){
$sql = 'insert into second_category (category_name,detail,first_category_id,create_time) values ("'
$insertObj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 获取第一级分类表的所有数据
public function getAllFirstCategory(){
$sql = "select * from first_category";
$allFirstCategoryObj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $allFirstCategoryObj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 获取第二级分类表的数据通过一级分类id
public function getSecondCategoryByFirstCategoryId($firstCategoryId=1){
$sql = "select * from second_category where first_category_id='".$firstCategoryId."'";
$allFirstCategoryObj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $allFirstCategoryObj->getResultArray();
return $result;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 设备管理区域 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 插入一条设备
public function insertDevice($data){
$sql = 'insert into devices (dev_name, dev_code, dev_brand, dev_model, dev_system,
dev_version, dev_color, add_time, dev_status, dev_delete, first_category_id, second_category_id,
org_section_id, dev_detail, dev_feature) values ("'
$insertObj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 更新设备信息
public function updateDevice($data){
$sql = 'update devices set dev_name="'
.' where id="'.$data["id"].'"';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 分页获取设备信息
public function getDevicesAllInfoByPage($data){
$sql = 'select t1.*,
from devices t1
left join first_category t2 on t1.first_category_id =
left join org_section t3 on t1.org_section_id = limit '.(($data["page"] - 1) * $data["perPage"]).','.$data["perPage"];
$allFirstCategoryObj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $allFirstCategoryObj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 获取单条设备信息
public function getDeviceInfoById($id){
$sql = 'select t1.*,
from devices t1
left join first_category t2 on t1.first_category_id =
left join org_section t3 on t1.org_section_id = where'.$id;
$allFirstCategoryObj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $allFirstCategoryObj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 获取所有的设备数
public function getTatalDeviceNum(){
$sql = 'select count(*) as total from devices';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 获取单条设备信息
public function getDevInfoById($id){
$sql = "select * from devices where id=".$id;
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 删除设备
public function delDevById($id){
$sql = "delete from devices where id=".$id;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 图片操作区域 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 添加设备图片
public function insertDevImg($data){
$sql = 'insert into dev_img (dev_id,create_time,img_ori,img_small) values ('
* 根据设备id获取设备图片
public function getDevImgsById($id){
$sql = "select * from dev_img where dev_id=".$id;
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 根据图片id获取设备图片信息
public function getImgInfoById($id){
$sql = "select * from dev_img where id=".$id;
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 根据设备id删除指定设备图片
public function delImgByIds($data){
$sql = "delete from dev_img where dev_id=".$data["dev_id"]." and id=".$data["img_id"];
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class OrgManageModel extends Model
protected $DBGroup = 'default'; //默认连接的数据库
protected $table = 'org_section'; //指定模型要使用的数据库表
protected $returnType = 'array';
protected $allowedFields = [ //允许更改,写入数据库的字段
* 获取所有部门数据
public function getAllOrgSection(){
$sql = 'select * from org_section';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 添加一条部门数据
public function insertOrgSection($data){
$sql = 'insert into org_section (org_section_name,org_section_detail,create_time) value ("'
$insertObj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 删除一条部门数据
public function delOrgSection($id){
$sql = "delete from org_section where id=".$id;
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 修改一条部门数据
public function updateOrgSection($data){
$sql = 'update org_section set ';
if($data["org_section_name"] != ""){
$sql = $sql.'org_section_name="'.$data["org_section_name"].'"';
if($data["org_section_detail"] != ""){
if($data["org_section_name"] != ""){
$sql = $sql.',';
$sql = $sql.'org_section_detail="'.$data["org_section_name"].'"';
$sql = $sql.' where id="'.$data["id"].'"';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class SignModel extends Model
protected $DBGroup = 'default'; //默认连接的数据库
protected $table = 'users'; //指定模型要使用的数据库表
protected $returnType = 'array';
protected $allowedFields = [ //允许更改,写入数据库的字段
* 注册一个新用户
public function register($data){
$sql = 'insert into users (username,nick,password,status,role,register_time) values ("'.$data["username"].'","'
$insertObj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 根据用户名,获取数据库记录
public function getItemByUsername($username){
$sql = 'select * from users where username="'.$username.'"';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 写入用户token
public function writeIntoToken($data){
$sql = 'update users set token="'.$data["token"].'",login_time="'.$data["login_time"].'" where username="'.$data["username"].'"';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
* 清除token
public function clearToken($data){
$sql = 'update users set token="" where username="'.$data["username"].'"';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class UserManageModel extends Model
protected $DBGroup = 'default'; //默认连接的数据库
protected $table = 'users'; //指定模型要使用的数据库表
protected $returnType = 'array';
protected $allowedFields = [ //允许更改,写入数据库的字段
* 获取所有用户
public function getAllUsers(){
$sql = 'select t1.*,t2.org_section_name from users t1 left join org_section t2 on t1.org_section_id =';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 分页获取用户数据
public function getUsersByPage($data){
$sql = 'select t1.*,t2.org_section_name from users t1 left join org_section t2 on t1.org_section_id ='
.' limit '.(($data["page"] - 1) * $data["perPage"]).','.$data["perPage"];
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 获取所有的用户数
public function getTatalUserNum(){
$sql = 'select count(*) as total from users';
$obj = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $obj->getResultArray();
return $result;
* 添加用户
public function addUser($data){
$sql = 'insert into users (username,nick,password,status,role,create_time,org_section_id) values ("'
* 更新用户信息
public function updateUserInfo($data){
$sql = 'update users set username="'
.' where id='.$data["id"];
* 删除用户
public function delUserById($id){
$sql = "delete from users where id=".$id;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 权限管理区域(目前没有权限表) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 获取所有权限类型
public function getAllRights(){
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<?php $data = $this->data; ?>
<div class="container-fluid">
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<a href="form.html"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> 添加设备</a>
<a href="form.html"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> 日志查看</a>
\ No newline at end of file
<?php $data = $this->data; ?>
<?= view("header.php",$data); ?>
<?= view("home/aside.php",$data); ?>
<div class="span9" id="content" style="width:100%;">
<div style="width:100%;min-height:700px;">
<?= view("footer.php",$data); ?>
<?php $data = $this->data; ?>
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<li <?php if($data["uri"]["seg"][1] == "/" || $data["uri"]["seg"][1] == "devManagePage"){echo "class='active'";} ?> onclick="leftSwich(this)" id="left_dev_man">
<a><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> 设备管理</a>
<li <?php if($data["uri"]["seg"][1] == "devDetail"){echo "class='active'";} ?> onclick="leftSwich(this)" id="left_dev_detail">
<a><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> 设备详情</a>
<li <?php if($data["uri"]["seg"][1] == "categoryManagePage"){echo "class='active'";} ?> onclick="leftSwich(this)" id="left_category_man">
<a><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> 分类管理</a>
* 左侧菜单切换
function leftSwich(e){
var id = $(e).attr("id");
var host =;
var username = $.cookie('username');
var token = $.cookie('token');
if(username == undefined){
username = "";
if(token == undefined){
token = "";
if(id == "left_dev_man"){
window.location.href = "http://" + host + "/devManage" + "?username=" + username + "&token=" + token ;
}else if(id == "left_dev_detail"){
window.location.href = "http://" + host + "/devManage/devDetail" + "?username=" + username + "&token=" + token ;;
}else if(id == "left_category_man"){
window.location.href = "http://" + host + "/devManage/categoryManagePage" + "?username=" + username + "&token=" + token ;;
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI;
CLI::error('ERROR: ' . $code);
An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: <?= get_class($exception), "\n"; ?>
Message: <?= $message, "\n"; ?>
Filename: <?= $exception->getFile(), "\n"; ?>
Line Number: <?= $exception->getLine(); ?>
<?php if (defined('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE') && SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE === true): ?>
<?php foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $error): ?>
<?php if (isset($error['file'])): ?>
<?= trim('-' . $error['line'] . ' - ' . $error['file'] . '::' . $error['function']) . "\n" ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
// On the CLI, we still want errors in productions
// so just use the exception template.
include __DIR__ . '/error_exception.php';
This diff is collapsed.
// Tabs
var tabLinks = new Array();
var contentDivs = new Array();
function init ()
// Grab the tab links and content divs from the page
var tabListItems = document.getElementById('tabs').childNodes;
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// Assign onclick events to the tab links, and
// highlight the first tab
var i = 0;
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if (i != 0)
contentDivs[id].className = 'content hide';
i ++;
function showTab ()
var selectedId = getHash(this.getAttribute('href'));
// Highlight the selected tab, and dim all others.
// Also show the selected content div, and hide all others.
for (var id in contentDivs)
if (id == selectedId)
tabLinks[id].className = 'active';
contentDivs[id].className = 'content';
tabLinks[id].className = '';
contentDivs[id].className = 'content hide';
// Stop the browser following the link
return false;
function getFirstChildWithTagName (element, tagName)
for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i ++)
if (element.childNodes[i].nodeName == tagName)
return element.childNodes[i];
function getHash (url)
var hashPos = url.lastIndexOf('#');
return url.substring(hashPos + 1);
function toggle (elem)
elem = document.getElementById(elem);
if ( &&['display'])
// Only works with the "style" attr
var disp =['display'];
else if (elem.currentStyle)
// For MSIE, naturally
var disp = elem.currentStyle['display'];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
// For most other browsers
var disp = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue('display');
// Toggle the state of the "display" style = disp == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block';
return false;
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<!doctype html>
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<?= preg_replace('#[\r\n\t ]+#', ' ', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'debug.css')) ?>
<div class="container text-center">
<h1 class="headline">Whoops!</h1>
<p class="lead">We seem to have hit a snag. Please try again later...</p>
<?php $data = $this->data; ?>
<footer style="_background:pink;height:50px;float:left;width:100%;margin-top:10px;">
<script src="<?= base_url().'/'; ?>theme/assets/scripts.js"></script>
\ No newline at end of file
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<?php $data = $this->data; ?>
<?= view("header.php",$data); ?>
<?= view("sysManage/aside.php",$data); ?>
<div class="span9" id="content" style="width:100%;">
<div style="width:100%;min-height:700px;">
<?= view("footer.php",$data); ?>
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php spark serve --port 8081
php spark serve --host
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