Commit f73d499d authored by liyuanhong's avatar liyuanhong


parent b60558c2
......@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ from ui import globalParams
if __name__ == "__main__":
globalParams.scriptPath = os.getcwd()
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -616,12 +616,19 @@ class CameraArea():
capTime = self.pushObj.getTimeStamp()
capTime = int(capTime / 1000)
capdur = 5
capdur = 12 # 要抓拍的视频时长
inFi = self.videoPathText.GetValue()
videoLen = self.getVideoDur(inFi)
curtimeO = self.getCurTimeO()
curPath = globalParams.scriptPath
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/video/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".mp4"
outFi = 1
if cam == 1:
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/video/CAM_1/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".mp4"
elif cam == 2:
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/video/CAM_2/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".mp4"
elif cam == 3:
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/video/CAM_3/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".mp4"
# outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/video/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".mp4"
self.splitVideo(capTime, capdur,inFi, outFi)
timeCur = int(time.time())
......@@ -647,7 +654,14 @@ class CameraArea():
curPath = globalParams.scriptPath
videoLen = self.getVideoDur(inFi)
curtimeO = self.getCurTimeO()
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/picture/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".jpg"
outFi = 1
if cam == 1:
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/picture/CAM_1/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".jpg"
elif cam == 2:
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/picture/CAM_2/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".jpg"
elif cam == 3:
outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/picture/CAM_3/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".jpg"
# outFi = curPath + "/SDCard/picture/" + curtimeO + "_" + str(videoLen) + "__" + str(capTime) + ".jpg"
m_command = ["ffmpeg.exe", "-i", inFi, "-frames:v", "1", "-ss", capTime, "-f", "image2", outFi]
#coding: utf-8
import json
import os
import sys
import threading
import time
import requests
import wx
from pubsub import pub
from ui import globalParams
......@@ -30,6 +34,10 @@ class EventAndOtherArea():
self.spdlTextCtr = None # 速度设置框
self.trsComboBox = None # 定位可信度设置框
self.videoFilePathTextCtr = None # 上传文化底子框
self.cameraTypeCombox = None # 摄像头选择框
self.videoTypeCombox = None # 上传文件类型选择框
self.logTextCtr = None # 日志输出框
......@@ -50,6 +58,7 @@ class EventAndOtherArea():
boxSizer.Add(bottomPanel,1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP , border=5)
pub.subscribe(self.showLog, "showLog")
return self.mainPanel
......@@ -105,11 +114,26 @@ class EventAndOtherArea():
helpButton = wx.Button(ctrlPannel, label="一键救援", pos=(170, 20))
self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.sendHelpEvt(evt),
videoUploadPannel = wx.StaticBox(topPanel, -1, "视频上传:", size=(wx.EXPAND, 50))
wx.StaticText(videoUploadPannel, label='文件:', pos=(10, 20))
self.videoFilePathTextCtr = wx.TextCtrl(videoUploadPannel, pos=(60, 15), size=wx.Size(350, -1))
selectFileButton = wx.Button(videoUploadPannel, label="选择文件", pos=(420, 15))
self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.selectVideoFile(evt,self.videoFilePathTextCtr),
wx.StaticText(videoUploadPannel, label='视频类型:', pos=(500, 20))
self.videoTypeCombox = wx.ComboBox(videoUploadPannel, pos=(570, 15), choices=['手动抓拍图片', '手动抓拍视频',"历史视频", \
"行车碰撞视频","停车碰撞视频","一键报警视频"], value="手动抓拍图片",size=wx.Size(100, -1))
self.cameraTypeCombox = wx.ComboBox(videoUploadPannel, pos=(680, 15), choices=['摄像头1', '摄像头2', "摄像头3", ],value="摄像头1",size=wx.Size(80, -1))
startUploadButton = wx.Button(videoUploadPannel, label="上传文件", pos=(770, 15))
self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.uploadVideoFile(evt),
topPanelSizer.Add(basicInfoPanel, 0.7, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
topPanelSizer.Add(gpsPannel, 2, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
topPanelSizer.Add(ctrlPannel, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
otherPannel = wx.Panel(topPanel,-1, size=(wx.EXPAND, 50))
topPanelSizer.Add(otherPannel, 4, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
topPanelSizer.Add(videoUploadPannel, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP,border=10)
otherPannel = wx.Panel(topPanel, -1, size=(wx.EXPAND, 50))
topPanelSizer.Add(otherPannel, 3, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
return topPanel
......@@ -220,6 +244,25 @@ class EventAndOtherArea():
timeCur = "[" + timeCur + "] "
return timeCur
# 打开文件选择对话框
def selectVideoFile(self,evt,textCtr):
wildcard = "Video file (*.mp4)|*.mp4"
dlg = wx.FileDialog(
self.frame, message="选择flv视频文件",
style=wx.FD_OPEN |
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dlg.GetPath()
# 清空日志
......@@ -287,5 +330,65 @@ class EventAndOtherArea():
return data
# 上传视频文件
def uploadVideoFile(self,evt):
threadObj = threading.Thread(target=self.doUploadVideoFile())
timeCur = self.getCurTimeTxt()
self.logTextCtr.WriteText(timeCur + "文件开始上传!\n")
def doUploadVideoFile(self):
params = {}
filePath = self.videoFilePathTextCtr.GetValue()
camTxt = self.cameraTypeCombox.GetValue()
cam = 1
if camTxt == "摄像头1":
cam = 1
elif camTxt == "摄像头2":
cam = 2
elif camTxt == "摄像头3":
cam = 3
iscaptureTxt = self.videoTypeCombox.GetValue()
iscapture = 1
if iscaptureTxt == "手动抓拍图片":
iscapture = 1
elif iscaptureTxt == "手动抓拍视频":
iscapture = 2
elif iscaptureTxt == "历史视频":
iscapture = 3
elif iscaptureTxt == "行车碰撞视频":
iscapture = 4
elif iscaptureTxt == "停车碰撞视频":
iscapture = 5
elif iscaptureTxt == "一键报警视频":
iscapture = 6
imei = globalParams.homeArea.getDevCodeText().GetValue()
lat = globalParams.eventArea.getLatTextCtr().GetValue()
lng = globalParams.eventArea.getLngTextCtr().GetValue()
timeCur = int(time.time())
with open(filePath, "rb") as fi:
files = {'file': fi}
params["fileaddress"] = "/aaa"
params["cam"] = cam
params["imei"] = imei
params["iscapture"] = iscapture
params["lat"] = lat
params["lng"] = lng
params["time"] = timeCur
res ="", files=files, params=params)
curTime = self.getCurTimeTxt()
wx.CallAfter(pub.sendMessage, "showLog", msg=curTime + "视频上传完成!")
# 用于多线程的日志展示
def showLog(self,msg):
self.logTextCtr.WriteText(msg + "\n")
......@@ -345,6 +345,12 @@ class HomeArea():
sys.stdout = self.logTextCtr
sys.stderr = self.logTextCtr
# 获取视频文件列表
def getFileList(self):
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class MainWindow():
nodeBook.AddPage(page3, "摄像头3")
codecArea = CodecArea(nodeBook)
page4 = codecArea.create()
nodeBook.AddPage(page4, "转码工具")
nodeBook.AddPage(page4, "转码相关工具")
eventAndOtherArea = EventAndOtherArea(nodeBook)
globalParams.eventArea = eventAndOtherArea
page5 = eventAndOtherArea.create()
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