Commit a2e4edc1 authored by liyuanhong's avatar liyuanhong


parent 89d27354
{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-07-09 15:28:25", "date": "2020-07-09", "time": "15:28:25"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 3075, "todayTotalOil": 195, "todayTotalTime": 192, "theMilleage": 3075, "theOil": 195, "theTime": 192}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 41198, "totalOil": 3818, "totalTime": 2492}, "event": {"threeRapid": {"totalRapidlyAccelerate": 11, "totalSharpSlowdown": 10, "totalSharpTurn": 0}}}
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{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-08-17 11:01:42", "date": "2020-08-17", "time": "11:01:42"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 15879, "todayTotalOil": 1239, "todayTotalTime": 976, "theMilleage": 3008, "theOil": 188, "theTime": 188}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 57077, "totalOil": 5057, "totalTime": 3468}, "event": {"threeRapid": {"totalRapidlyAccelerate": 15, "totalSharpSlowdown": 17, "totalSharpTurn": 0}}}
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{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-07-30 10:17:57", "date": "2020-07-30", "time": "10:17:57"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 4261, "todayTotalOil": 286, "todayTotalTime": 265, "theMilleage": 1280, "theOil": 80, "theTime": 80}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 130946, "totalOil": 11409, "totalTime": 8040}}
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{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-08-17 11:31:47", "date": "2020-08-17", "time": "11:31:47"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 7609, "todayTotalOil": 484, "todayTotalTime": 475, "theMilleage": 3091, "theOil": 196, "theTime": 193}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 138555, "totalOil": 11893, "totalTime": 8515}}
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{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-08-04 10:10:21", "date": "2020-08-04", "time": "10:10:21"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 1093, "todayTotalOil": 88, "todayTotalTime": 67, "theMilleage": 678, "theOil": 48, "theTime": 42}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 654088, "totalOil": 57523, "totalTime": 39427}, "event": {"threeRapid": {"totalRapidlyAccelerate": 58, "totalSharpSlowdown": 47, "totalSharpTurn": 49}}}
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{"time": {"dateTime": "2020-08-18 11:36:15", "date": "2020-08-18", "time": "11:36:15"}, "curDayTravel": {"todayTotalMilleage": 13974, "todayTotalOil": 1074, "todayTotalTime": 860, "theMilleage": 1616, "theOil": 101, "theTime": 101}, "travelData": {"totalMilleage": 706671, "totalOil": 61461, "totalTime": 42670}, "event": {"threeRapid": {"totalRapidlyAccelerate": 61, "totalSharpSlowdown": 49, "totalSharpTurn": 51}}}
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